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[M/N][L/N] P.O.V

Snapping awake, I was heaving heavily as I jolted awake. I looked around in a extremely wary state. I noticed the bandages around me and especially my neck. Some other part of my body were bandaged too. That bastard Crocodile cut really deep it seems. I looked outside of the window and noticed it was dark out. My breath evened out as I got up quietly and passed Chopper who was sleeping on the bed. I looked left and right to make sure no one was awake.

Once I made sure, I grabbed Chopper and tucked him into bed before leaving to wander the hallway. I had made sure to grab my bag and hat. The night market was bright as it was bustling with life. I looked around while eating a few sweets from the bag. My tummy growled for proper food so I took out some money as I bought some Chicken Satay. Biting down, I tore the chicken off the stick before finding a quiet corner and drawing away. I sat on a few large cargo boxes.

"(M/N)... what are you doing here?"

"Sanji, didn't expect you to be here. Thought you would be busy chasing the ladies as always."

"I couldn't help but be worried by you idiot. Always up at night even back at the Baratie, you would take off at night to see the world."

"Is there a problem with that?"

"Yes, let's go back (M/N)"

It was a rare sight to see Sanji extend his hand to me and an even rarer sight for me to accept. I let a small smile grace my lips as Sanji guided me back to the Castle. His nose dripped blood as I laughed. I wiped it away with my sleeve before laughing even harder. His face was so red and cute. He was just as fun to tease as always. I cupped him cheek as we reached one of the hallways of the castle.

"What? Cat got your tongue again Sanji?"

"Of course not..."

"Sure? Then you must've seen the prettiest lady on the street to make you that red"

"Shut up, I did not..."

Ignoring his protests, I eagerly kept showing him ladies from the window to make him embarrassed but I realised he wasn't getting red from the ladies I was pointing at in the streets. Whatever lady that Sanji saw earlier must've been a real looker. Shrugging, I was about to continue on teasing but I felt bad so I stopped which made Sanji go quiet. His grip around my hand tightened as he looked away. He was serious.

"Sanji, let go"

"(M/N)...what happened to us?"

"What do you mean?"

"We used to be closer but sometime before we left Baratie we got somewhat distanced"

My gaze hardened as my brows furrowed. I looked to the floor as I pulled away from Sanji. He was quiet and I could tell he was disappointed until I moved to wrap my hands around his neck pulling him in for a hug. I kept quiet as I pulled away slightly only to cup his cheek and comb my hands through his hair before lightly gripping it. My eyes scrunched slightly as my nose crinkled, my lips forming a sad smile.

"Sometimes I get overwhelmed. I get myself into a lot of dumb situations because of it and I just need space. I'm sorry if I come off as distant, I didn't mean it"

"It's fine, you're an idiot sometimes "

"And here I tried to be sentimental"

I said with a small pout before beggining to pull away but Sanji put an around my back which rested on my shoulder and another which wrapped the back of my head before his fingers threaded through my hair. His hug was strong almost scared as if I would disappear. His cigarette dropped out his mouth before falling to the floor. My breath hitched in my throat as I didn't expect this from Sanji. I closed my eyes as I leaned into his body, shifting my some of my weight onto him.

"I guess I might be an idiot too for misunderstanding."

"Yeah definitely"

Sanji and I both had a light chuckle at that before we let ourselves find comfort in each other through the hug. I could feel Sanji stiffen however so I opened my eyes slightly to gaze at him for an explanation. He got a bit red before turning his head away. He pointed at his cheek saying it wasn't necessary but I leaned up and kissed his chin.

"There you go you idiotic cook"

"Thank you, idiot baker"

The two few days, I trained with Zoro in speed and agility by dancing endlessly as elegantly as possible. I made sure to not be seen but Zoro would somehow wonder over.  Dancing was great for the body so I didn't let Zoro's occasional remark bother me. I would also study with Chopper which strengthened our bond. I ended up studying in the late evening a lot of interesting books.

Three day passed and Luffy finally woke up at lunch time. The banquet was prepared for dinner and we all ate happily with Luffy actually getting endless amounts of food as even the King laughed. I tried to eat in peace but Luffy kept shoving food on my plate too until I told him to stop. Zoro and I drank some beer too which tasted great. Sanji was asking about the various foods. It was a great fun time.

Afterwards, everyone went to take a bath. I let everyone go in first before beginning to take my time and strip as Chopper and I talked while I kept my hat on so I could talk without embarrassing myself. I only put it on when I needed to talk in the bath so for the most part, it rested besides me. We put on the towel around the necessary place before I began washing Chopper's back. It was fun and Chopper offered to wash mine but I declined telling him how sensitive certain parts of my body were. He seemed surprised before carefully beggining to wash me.

"Thanks Chopper, you're a good child"

"Saying things like that don't make me happy, idiot"

It felt really good. I occasionally let out sighs of relief. A good back scrub is always appreciated. Chopper and I got in the bath afterwards. Sanji was too busy asking where the girl's bath was which promptly led to all the guys except me peeking in on the ladies but it seemed some wasn't interested in it but only did it because the others did. Nami ended up flashing them for a price as I laughed. Then the king thanked everyone as a citizen for saving his country.

"Where's (M/N)?"

"Right here"

My hat said before I took it off while waving at them. Luffy nearly fell as he launched himself at me. I caught him thankfully. He laughed with a big smile as his limbs entangled mine before his body went limp due to him being in water. Zoro yanked Luffy of saying he would drown at this rate which I nodded at. Zoro settled next to me as I smiled. Sanji ended up sitting on the opposite side while Luffy sat behind me since he shouldn't be in a pool of water passed knee deep. It was good until Zoro opened his mouth.

A/N: Thanks for reading!

A/N: Thanks for reading!

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