Sea Train

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[M/N][L/N] P.O.V

"Nico Robin, you go on the Sea Train first." A government official said

Feeling pissed, I wanted to kick the Government Official guy's ass for harassing Robin. I glared at them as Lucci let out a small smirk at my attitude of growling. The man who was harassing Robin angrily yelled at me to cease acting like such a dog. I gave him a loud growl and barked which made the man let out a squeak. I gave him a toothy smirk at that and laughed. All the CP9 members had small smiles. The guy raised his hand to slap me but Kaku stopped him by grabbing him by the wrist. I felt slightly happy that Kaku defended me.

"You're defending this bitch?"

"Not a bitch, you need a mirror for that." I smirked.

"Why you!"

Kaku decided to tape my mouth although he seemed very reluctant to do that. Now, I resulted to glaring at the man as he smirked. They boarded Robin before they took me in and Kaku took me from Lucci to do the binding to the wall of the wall while still in my burrito bindings. I got my own Train Car before Kaku gently pulled off my tape. I thanked him and he nodded before leaving to the front of the Train Car with my sword in the corner in a locked case. I was a bit upset about that but I knew I could get it back. Despite the heavy layer of fabric, I managed to loosen the binding just enough for room. I got the sharp thread from my boots and slid them inside to cut the shackles but I stopped upon Lucci entering the room.

"Will I be brought to justice too?" I asked

"No, they need you alive but I can't say they will treat you well. Well I guess it wouldn't be well if you hate being domesticated." Lucci stated

"Then I won't have a good time. Who's they?" I asked

"I won't say" He stated

Grumbling, I sneakily slipped the string back into my shoes before Lucci sat down on the train seat infront of me. I didn't want to face this man. Hattori chirped rather sadly at my state which made Lucci gave him a look. I couldn't help but coo at how cute Hattori was in a mini white suit. Lucci frowned at the lact of attention so he leaned foward to grab my face but I backed further into the wall. He backed off and leaned back in the rather comfy looking chair with a smirk.

"Here I thought that you wanted feedback for those cookies and that drawing."

"S-Shut up, I don't need to hear your feedback"

"Oh. Really?" Lucci teased

"Just leave me alone... I don't know how to feel about you right now. I should be hating you with everything I have but ... I can't" I muttered.

Lucci's eyes softened before they dilated and turned into slits. I felt like the mouse who had fallen to be preyed upon by the cat. His teeth were slightly more sharp too but he turned back to normal immediately. Hattori flapped his wings before landing on the blanket wrapping around me and he crooned his neck to rub against my face. I pouted since I didn't want to smile. That didn't last long with Hattori cheering me up. I smiled a bit but frowned when I saw Lucci trying to take Hattori from me.

Hattori seemed to prefer me over Lucci which I found hilarious. Lucci just stared at Hattori being cute with me and I nuzzling Hattori's cheek in return. He began to get slightly irked from us so he took Hattori and left. I waited for a few minutes before cutting myself out of the chains. The shackles were still on but they didn't bind me together anymore. I slid my hands out of the weird blanket and took out the hairpin from the back of my hair. I gave a small toothy smile as  I carefully locked pick them open before dropping them inside the blanket.

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