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Unexpectedly, the lady with the stabby fingers got back up and stabbed me which was painful but Nami told me she would handle it. Continuing on, I rushed foward after hearing a loud thunder sound coming from where Nami was. She clearly knew how to handle the job. I started rushing towards the kingdom but stopped right as I saw Vivi and Crocodile. He demanded to know where Pluton was from the King.

Gritting my teeth, my blood boiled as Crocodile easily took down the King's protection squad. Vivi noticed me and told me to concentrate on finding the bomb that would be set off soon. A man arrived called Kohza who was the Rebellion Army leader. Everything was explained to Kohza quickly from the King who was pinned to the wall. Vivi convinced Kohza to stop the Rebellion Army.

The Jackel protected Vivi and Kohza from impending death by the hands of Crocodile. Kohza managed to get down the stairs to the center of the army as he raised the white flag to surrender but he was stabbed in the back by the Boroque Work's army since they haven't gotten an order from the king. Vivi was crying as Crocodile gripped her neck from above the castle walls as I lost my temper when they started fighting. There was a sandstorm from Crocodile. In my fit of rage, I swung my sword down onto the ground as a massive slash cut into the ground as my head pounded for a bit.


The moment I screamed that a lot of people passed out with foam in their mouths the ones who didn't were on their knees. I was surprised before I snapped out of it to go think about the location of the bomb. Luffy caught Vivi as she was thrown off the edge by Crocodile as everyone arrived. Vivi was crying that she still had her friends before Luffy successfully punched Crocodile. His weakness was water.

At that moment, I stopped being able to hear. Blinking in surprise, I couldn't hear anything anyone was saying. I started panicking until I heard the ticking. My eyes widened as I started following the sound towards the source. I took down all the Baroque Works army and Marines in my way. It lead to the clock tower, the bomb was inside there. Running up the stairs, I took down number 7 and his partner before seeing the bomb. Immediately, I saw some leftover tools that were clearly used for this thing before getting to work on them.

"Fuck, I wanted to have fun and this ain't it"

My hands were hastily opening up the bomb as I noticed it was a timed one in the shape of a sphere inside the cannon. I opened up the metal panel before seeing all the wires inside. There was an extremely large amount of gunpowder in this too. Carefully, I began snipping away to the correct wires from what I heard. Sweat dribbled down my forehead as I cut the last wire successfully.

"Damn, who knew I'd be useful in this situation..."

For good measure I grabbed the bag I had and poured the water all over the gunpowder. Soiling the gunpowder made it useless to light up so no deadly explosions could happen. Smiling, I slumped against the explosive as blood pooled under me. Everything was starting to feel cold as black and white dots started dancing around in my vision. Clenching my teeth, I gripped my sword even harder to keep awake. I could hear people screaming how their were only a few seconds left.


"Oh, hey, don't worry the problem is solved... I knocked out the whole army and fought number 7 with his partner. They were a ...pain in the ass."

Vivi began crying as she saw me. My hat was covering my face which made her unable to see how dead my eyes must have looked. All she could see was my smile as she went to the edge to scream how I disabled it. The man who could transform into a bird called Bere came flying in and transformed. He bent down and thanked me for my service as my eyes met his.

Turning my head, I could see the blurry silhouette of Vivi as she clutched the walls of the clock tower. I could hear her begging for everyone to stop fighting as I heard and saw the rain beggining to dribble. Silence soon started coming back as all the white noise that got stronger faded. A happy smile on my face as Bere's hand reached up to my eyelids as he pulled them down. Pitch black was all I could see.

"It's alright, rest please. The war is over"

"I'm happy"

Third P.O.V

Bere had a smile small as he lifted the person who just disarmed the bomb called (M/N) into his arms. He carried him down the stairs carefully as he also made sure Vivi was fine. Together they walked out of the tower as they saw the King carrying Luffy on his back who had successfully defeated Crocodile. The rest of the Strawhat Crew had also come together as Sanji pointed out that the person on the King's back was their captain.

"You're the king?!"

Sanji's jaw dropped as Zoro stood there, noticing the injured body of the other swordsman on the crew, (M/N). He seemed to be fine from the way he was breathing. If he had the the strength then Zoro would have carried (M/N) himself. The king explained how Luffy defeated Crocodile and even brought to other people up to the surface once he sent Crocodile flying. Everyone on the Strawhat Crew collapsed afterwards from injuries and exhaustion.

Tashigi ordered the Marines not to capture the Strawhat Crew even though they would certainly receive a promotion. Everyone was joyful over the pouring rain since it hadn't rained in three years. The Strawhat Crew were all brought inside the castle as Chopper woke up and patched them all up while Igaram and Vivi watched the rain pour into the night.

On the otherside, Smoker and Tashigi were promoted but they refused to accept it since they didn't do any of the work. Tashigi cried because she couldn't beat Crocodile while Smoker told the World Government to eat shit. He read the report of everything that happened and was infuriated. He entered his own room as he saw the new bounty photo of (M/N) and Luffy but his eyes couldn't help but linger on (M/N)'s.

Smoker hadn't given in the name of (M/N) so his poster still called him the Sweet Deadly Baker. He felt conflicted towards (M/N). He had helped so much and even saved him. He gripped his head as he tried to make any sense of his feelings towards the idiot. He decided to keep his eyes on (M/N) because deep down he was beggining to like (M/N). Even the witty banter he had and the teasing was cute to Smoker.

Smoker wasn't sure what to do.

A/N: I'm so glad people read this, have a nice day everyone

A/N: I'm so glad people read this, have a nice day everyone

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