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[M/N][L/N] P.O.V

My head pounded as I woke up. I had definitely drunk too much last night and I felt like throwing up but I didn't want to do that on Law so I got out of bed carefully and went to the toilet to puke over the toiletbowl. Hurling, I felt like utter shit and I was glad I made it in time. I was lucky I managed to close the door behind me and I hurled for a few minutes straight before dry heaving. The door behind me creaked open as I panted and rested my forehead against the toilet seat, exhausted.

A firm hand pulled me back as Law crouched down next to me. My head tilted back as I felt something get moved to my lips and I drank it despite how bad it tasted. Law explained that it would help with hangovers. Apologising, I got up and washed my mouth before brushing my teeth with a wobbly hand on the sink to keep me steady. I spat out the water once I was done. I went back to bed afterwards with Law refusing to sleep. I let him be since I was way too hungover.

"So, how... do you cook?" Law asked to himself but I overheard it.

"Huh... Eh Cook? Oh, let me help."

Getting up, I tried walking over but Law would just Shambles me back into bed. He gave up and made himself a cup of coffee. I went back to bed afterwards and woke up an hour later, feeling better. Law had taken the opportunity to make himself comfortable and had the audacity to go through my sketchbook without permission so I kicked him. However, I'm a very weak person so it didn't do much.

"Hey (M/N)-ya, where'd you draw these?"

"At different places. I'm glad I managed to do one of Dressrosa."

I took a proper look around the room and noticed a lot of things had been moved. Unless I suddenly had a craving to rearrange my room in my drunk state then I'm sure Law did this. Glaring, I snatched my book away from Law before crossing my arms and tapping my foot. Law just smirked as he raised an eyebrow, thinking he was so good at this game.

"Law.... Did you move my stuff again?!" I yelled in exasperation.

"Got bored." Law bluntly answered

"Excuse me-" I began.

"You are excused" Law smirked

"LAW! You dumbass! I'm so mad at you." I huffed.

"That's the whole point." Law teased.

Huffing, I turned away before beggining to rearrange my room back to normal. I decided to give Law the silent treatment and at first it did nothing but after a while even Law started trying to tease me into talking. In return, I would just give him the middle finger and a polite smile while I waited for a proper apology. I began baking away, making lots of sweets as usual since I had a strange feeling. The air of sweet treats filled the room with the strongest scent being vanilla beans and cinnamon.

"Sorry..." Law apologised.

I was still pouting.

"(M/N)-ya..." Law said.

"Hmph!" I turned away.

"...And here I thought I could tell you more about myself" Law had a small look of satisfaction.

Rather quickly, I turned around while crossing my arms. Law leaned against the counter with a small smile that he replace with a smirk. That day, I found out he had a habit of collecting coins. At that knowledge, I stopped baking and washed my hands before pulling up one of the floorboards which Law stared at from the counter. I fished out a small black bag before opening it up and dumping the coins onto the table with a smile.

Immediately, Law looked interested and he could tell that I had some rare coins. He hesitated before turning his head away and slowly walking over. He picked out all the valuable ones while telling me their date and where they were from. His hand hovered above one gold coin in particular but I noticed that one and snatched it away before he could properly examine it. I held it up and with a smile explained a bit about it.

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