🌸 "Nothing" 🌸

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"Whats wrong 'Los?" Seb asked looking directly at me.

"Nothinggggg" I said looking around

"Now because you said it like that I feel like there is something wrong."

I had to come up with something that would make sense but hide my feelings.

"I WANT TO ACTUALLY BE IN THE MUSICAL INSTEAD OF CHOREOGRAPHING IT!" I mean, I didn't lie but I knew the next thing he was going to say:

"YAY!" He yelled squeezing me more.

Ok not what I had in mind but it's ok.

"Wait...why what's the musical?"

Million dollar question. Right there.

Of course I couldn't say what it was but he's my best friend and I trust him.

"Beauty and the beast...." I said and his eyes lit up and smiled.

"Ohhhhh but what about Be Our Guest?" He said.

"Welll...I was actually going to try to be a part time choreographer and a full time actor..."

We both sat up and he pushed me a bit.

"'Los! That's amazing! Why would that be bad?"



Seb slapped me and yelled. " CARLOS 👏 TALK 👏 TO 👏 ME👏"

I rubbed my face and rolled my eyes.

"I uh have a modeling thing with Gina and she didn't invite you even though you are wayyyy hotter than me- not in that way"

Seb laughed causing me to blush.

"Carlos, I didn't waist 10 years of friendship just to know what something is on your mind."

I nodded and gave him a hug.

I look down and see a text message, from Ashlyn.

I look down and see a text message, from Ashlyn

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I blushed even more and Seb looked at the text message

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I blushed even more and Seb looked at the text message.

"Awww that's sweet"

"Seb. Honey no"

Seb blushed and got up.

"Seb? What are you doing?" He smiled and grabbed a donut.

"When did you get those?" I asked.

"When you popped up I literally said "do you want a donut?" And you decided to start crying sooooo"

He did have a point.

We both yawned at the same time and laughed.

"I'm so tired, I might as well go to sleep right here on the floor"

"Carlos no! If you climb down now I'll carry you all the way to my room" Seb said and I smiled.

I have never climbed down so fast

"Ok then" he followed me down and picked me up bridal-style.

When we finally got to his room he threw one of his hoodies at me and then put on one of his.

We both climbed into his bed and he left out his arms. Of course I fell on top of him and we drifted off to sleep.

He's so warm~


A/N aww my bbys 🥺 also if you need gay content in your life I would suggest listening to the podcast called "The two princes" ITS SO CUTE!! I listen to it on Spotify but it's also on YouTube <3

482 words

Is it more? ~ A Seblos Fanfic by: TypicalSeblosWhere stories live. Discover now