🌟 It snows when you're sad 🌟

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When I got to Miss Jenn she smiled and waved.

"Ok Carlos. Cast list, what do you think?"

She showed me the cast list and I moved it around to what I thought would work.

She nodded.

"Wow, you are right." She laughed and gave me a hug.

"Oh, Carlos there is a package outside, can you go get it?"

I nodded and went outside.

I looked around and saw.



He stood up and smiled. He looked hurt.

"Hey S-" before I could even finish he grabbed my shirt and pulled me into a hug.

"Carlos, I'm so sorry"

"Seb, honey it's ok you were confused" I said, finally hugging back.

"Carlos ever since that night I  don't know how I managed, I'm so sorry!" 

"Crap Seb now I'm crying!"

He laughed and we both sat down on one of the benches.


"So again I'm sorry for being such a....b word"

I laughed and gave him a hug.

"YAY! My Sebby is back!"

After a while of just talking he started crying again.

"Oh god what is it?"

"So did you really mean it?" He said and then we felt snow falling.

"it snows when your sad" we both said and laughed.

"So, what did I really mean?"

"That it was a silly kiss..." he said and I smiled.

"I think that you said that!" I said, slightly punching his arm.

He gave me the "offended" face and rolled his eyes.


"I honestly don't know but to be honest, I'm just glad we're friends again. I don't really know if I could make it in this stupid ass world without my best friend"

Of course I thought it was something else but.... I don't know...

He smiled and gave me another hug.

"I'm so sorry I said those words to you."

I laughed again and I looked at him.

Then we both realized it stopped snowing.

"Huh, I guess it only snows when you're sad" 

We both laughed for like the 15th time and then our eyes met.

His eyes, I couldn't tell if they were ocean blue or ice blue.


"You're beautiful" I whispered.


A/N So sorry that this chapter didn't come out yesterday! I kinda passed out on my grandmas couch sooooooo

But I might publish another chapter today so fingers crossed!

Also can I crown myself: CEO of Seblos Cliffhangers?

400 words

Is it more? ~ A Seblos Fanfic by: TypicalSeblosWhere stories live. Discover now