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Just another day walking to go get random things with my boyfriend, still kind of weird to call him my boyfriend but whateva.

We were both really awkward in public but when we were alone we were both idiots. 

"So, whatcha wanna do today? It's finally your off dayyyyy"

Seb and I haven't really been hanging out lately, only because Beauty and the Beast is a month away and were trying not to burn down the auditorium. 

"Well, we should probably go home, I think it's going to rain..." I said slightly nudging him. 

"Nahhh, It's just cloudy"

"Sebastian. Did you bring the umbrella like I said?" I asked, making us both stop. 

"No.....sorry mom." He said in a whisper. 

"If you weren't adorable I would ground you." I said laughing. 

"I think my mom has told me that before...." Seb giggled. 

"No, but seroiusly, why didn't you bring the freaking umbrella?"

Oh a rule Seb made: no swearing, which is very hard. But its halrious because I made Seb say at least one "bAd WoRd" 


 ( F L A S H B A C K ) 

"f-f-f-ffffffffffffff-freak!" Seb cried out.

"Seb it's not hard. Fuck.'" I said.

"Noooo I can't say it...it's bad

"Seb no one will know calm down. Besides you've said it before."

"no I haven't" He said. I could tell he didn't remember.

"well when you...yelled at me you kinda popped off."

"oh, Im so-"

"Babe. It's fine, but just said the gosh darn word!" I said smiling. 

"Ffff" he started. 



"Now put it together..." 

"FRICK!" He said.

"SeB!" I laughed. 

"Ugh... fuck"  he whispered. 

"Hm? Didn't hear you!"

"FUCK!" He yelled.

"Carlos watch your mouth there are children downstairs, please and thank you!" Eliza yelled from downstairs and I almost died. 


"No but really Seb. It's going to rain." I said.

"It's not going to-" 

Just then, rain just started pouring down, we both looked at eachother then at the people rustling their umbrellas.


Seb laughed and picked me up bridal style. 

"Seb, where are we going?" I asked.

"I have no idea." He admitted. 

Then we found an aliely way that was covered and we both kinda sat there. 

"so...whatcha wanna do?" I asked. Then Seb smiled and pinned me against the wall. 

"SHIT! I mean damn I mean ouchie..." I stammered.

"sorry, did I hurt you?" He asked scared.

"No, no, I was just suprised.."

He smiled. "Oh ok!"

He put his hand on chin to lift my head. 

"It's not going to work...." I said.

"growwww" he whined. 

"Not a chance." I said, then I got an Idea. 

"Seb. Don't drop me"

"What? uh ok.."

I jumped onto him wrapping my legs around his waist. 

"Oh. Look who grew!" Seb said.

"Shut up and kiss me." 

We did just that.


We both broke away.



a/n hey just so you know after I finish this book I might take a short break so my mind can chill for a bit but thank you all for 32 followers and thanks for the support!!! <3 <3

500 words 

Is it more? ~ A Seblos Fanfic by: TypicalSeblosWhere stories live. Discover now