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^^ yes, I named the chapter that. Also I'm very tired so this might suck

"I love you."

Three words that mean so much.

"Carlos Rose Rodriguez love you. I've loved you ever since you sang "All That Jazz" in middle school and everyone loved you. I've loved you since you ran up to me crying saying that you needed my help I love you. When you got a part and I didn't in the play so you said that you wouldn't do it unless I got to and they let me in the play. I love you."

—- (that was yesterday now today ) —-

"And I don't love you as a friend. Carlos I fucking love you."

I sat there. Am I dreaming what the hell?

"Sebastian I swear"

He grabbed my face and kissed me. I think it was 30 seconds of Seb just kissing me until I realized what was going on.

"Carlos?" He breathed out.

"Yeah?" I replied looking at him.

"I think your mom is home"

I raised an eyebrow.


"Hola madre" I said.

"ENGISH BOY!" She yelled

"Hello mother."

Seb giggled.

"Alright well you two have fun. Also Carlos. Sebastian told you his story. You better-"

"mOm?!.. uh mom? Can I go to Sebs house?" I asked. Seb, who was very confused nodded along with me.

"Go live your life but don't make Eliza mad."

( Eliza being Sebs mother )

We both ran downstairs and we jumped in Sebs car.

"So. What did you think?"

"Hm?" I asked

"Was that a silly kiss?"

"Sebastian. You were the one who said- nevermind."


Seb smiled and we both fell down on the bed.

"I'm  hot." Seb said I turned to look at him.

"You are hot." I said and he blushed

"Carlos. I meant it's hot in here" I rolled my eyes and sat on top of him.

"Carlos? What are you doing?"

I unbuttoned his button up and took off the tank top underneath.

"You said you were hot so I helped you out.

He sat up on his elbows and kissed me.

"Wait- you haven't told me anything yet."


A/N alright so. That's that.

370 days

Is it more? ~ A Seblos Fanfic by: TypicalSeblosWhere stories live. Discover now