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"Seb. I think we both know the answer to that question."

He looked at me and raised an eyebrow.

"Of course I'll be your boyfriend!" 

He began to laugh.

I took my head off of his chest and started him dead in the eyes.

"What? I answered!"  I said raising my voice a bit.

"oF cOuRsE i'Ll Be YoUr bOyFrIENd!1!!1" He mocked. 

"I don't sound like THAT!" I called out. 

"WhatEVA!" He said giggling. 

"You know I have an itch..." I said 

"You are so needy! But where is it?" He asked, rolling his eyes. 

"My lips~" 

"Oh?" He whispered.

He smiled and leaned towards me giving me a peck on the lips.

I sighed obnoxiously on purpose.

"What is it now?" He said.

"I think it's still there...." I said pointing to my lips.

"Mother of IRENE! You are the neediest boyfriend I've ever had!" 

"Uh Seb you've never had a boyfriend until me!" 

"True but, come here~" 

I sat up and I was in the position I was before, sitting on top of Seb. He sat up on his elbows and grabbed my shirt and pulled me closer to him. He put his hand on my cheek and softly put his lips on mine. 

He slowly pulled away from me and smiled. 

"Is the itch gone?" He whispered.

"Maybe, I don't know~" I replied. 

He smiled and kissed me again. 

"SEBASTIAN?" We both looked looked at Sebs mom standing in the doorway laughing her head off.

"Oh! Hi Carlos! I was really confused. I thought he was watching porn!" She almost started crying from laughing so hard. 

"Oh, Hi Eliza!" I said smiling. 

"well, I'm glad you two are together but I'm upset that Mimi had to call me saying that the day came sooner than expected!" She laughed.

Seb and I both looked at eachother confused. 

"Oh also. Carlos. sebby. were going out to eat dinner with Mimi! Tomorrow, so make sure you two look presentable."

She turned the light back off and closed the door, walking dwonstairs.

I looked at Seb and laughed.

"Seb. Do you watch porn?" I asked.

"WHAT? NOoO" He said. 

"Mmmm.. ok then." I said shaking my head. 

I smiled and kissed him again and pulled away slightly.

"i'll find out sooner or later~" 


a/n HEYYY  back at it again with another CHAPTERRRRRRRRRR

also, check out the oneshots for an update

380 words 

Is it more? ~ A Seblos Fanfic by: TypicalSeblosWhere stories live. Discover now