🌵 I dont know 🌵

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"And don't lie to me"

The way he said it. He wanted the truth, I could tell.

"Seb I Uh" I looked around the room trying to think of an excuse.

But that's when he did something I never thought he would do.

Us being close to a wall he pinned me up against it and grabbed my face to face him.



"Why won't you answer the question?"

"Carlos! Miss Jenn needs y-" Gina said and looked at us.

"Uhhh...I'll tell her that you're in the bathroom... CARRY ON!"

She ran off and before I could say anything Seb did.

"Carlos Rodriguez. If you don't answer the fucking question in 10 seconds I will ignore you until you do."

1. Ouch 2. He knows I love attention 3. Did Seb just swear?

I gulped. I mean Seb is intimidating, and people see me as the dominant in the "relationship."


Please someone walk through that door.


Miss Jenn? Gina? Hell RICKY?


"Miss Jenn will start to worry if her choreographer isn't there!"


Fuck it. It's too late now.






"CARLOS!" The door opened to Miss Jenn.

"Carlos, hi Seb. Whatever is going on right now I'm very sorry to interrupt but we need to do the blocking!"

I nodded and Seb rolled his eyes.

"Gina, Seb you two stay in here and practice the little tango thing in BOG"

Gina went over to Seb and hooked her phone up to the speaker, while I went to the auditorium with Miss Jenn.

"Was I really gone that long?" I said. Everything, was terrible. Ricky looked stupid, Nini didn't know where to put her arms and it was a hot mess.

"Ok everyone! We went over this but clearly you all cannot listen! I would demonstrate but my partner is doing something else and you all suck so let's start from Tale as Old as Time dance with Kourtney in the front as Mrs. Potts and our Belle coming out from the side along with our beats from the other" I said yelling as I walked down the stairs to this hot mess.

The thing was, I got to yell at everyone without getting in trouble and I may over kill it a bit. But they listen.

"Where's Seb?" Red asked and I thought about what happened not even 10 minutes ago.

"With Gina rehearing. EVERYONE GET IN YOUR SPOTS!"

After a while of watching them terribly dance I zoned out.

That dream. Déjà Vu?


"Carlos. Don't lie to me"


"Carlos!" Miss Jenn snapped in my face.

"Are you ok? You're face is all red and I swear you had heart eyes...."

I shook my head quickly. "Where is everyone?"

Rehearsal is over. You daydreamed the whole time. But it's fine Seb said you were sick or something.

I look around the audience to see Seb, in his phone with his feet up on another chair.

After Miss Jenn left he came up to me and sat in her chair.

"You look terrible." He laughed and I shook my head.

"You suck." I said and he blushed.

"EW NOT IN THAT WAY YOU LOSER!" I slightly pushed him away and we got up and left.

When we got to Sebs actual car he looked at me and smiled.


"Seb, please not right now."

"Ouch. I was going to ask if we were going to do Taco Tuesday tomorrow...."

We missed the past 2 weeks.

"Oh yeah! Sure"


A/N hopefully that isn't a cliffhanger, but still the suspense is real.

Also this one is really long sooooo

610 words

Is it more? ~ A Seblos Fanfic by: TypicalSeblosWhere stories live. Discover now