❄️ Hoodie ❄️

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I was laying down on my bed, the fight still replaying over and over again.


I tried to sleep but I couldn't.

UGH! I wish he would just text, or call.

"BING" My phone went off and I may have flew to my phone....

"BING" My phone went off and I may have flew to my phone

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"Just Ashlyn..." I whispered and replied with "cant talk right now"

I sighed and fell on my bed.

Then I realized.

I'm still wearing his hoodie.

Shit I forgot to take it off and throw it at him during our fight.

I wanted to text him.

It was cold without him.

It was sad realizing that if I texted him saying 'I'm cold' he won't force me to get another blanket or somehow break into my house just to cuddle.


I took the hoodie off, leaving my shirtless and just. Held onto the hoodie.

I hugged it like it was Seb. My best friend. Gone after a stupid thought that popped into my head.

I smiled and sniffed the hoodie.

Still smelled like Seb.

"Knock knock knock"

I wiped the tear from my eye and cleared my throat.

"Come in mom!"

The door opened and there she was, standing at the doorway pity smiling.


"Mom, I really don't want a lecture right now"

"No. I was actually going to ask if you were ok. I heard the fight from the car and you look so sad when yelled. And now you look like shit and you're crying while hugging Sebs hoodie and also smelling it like a weirdo"

She sat down on my bed next to me and smiled.

"Wow- thanks mom"

"Now, let your heart out. Tell me what you want to tell me"

I looked at her and kept hugging the hoodie.

"I don't know mom, Seb and I are- were best friends and now I feel like I messed everything up! Everything he said was right, I'm just a gay popular boy! And he's right I'm only popular because everyone wants a gay best friend! And now I look stupid because HES THE BEST THING THATS EVER HAPPENED TO ME AND NOW MY HEART AND HAVING A CRUSH ON HIM RUINED EVERYTHING"

I was crying, like a crazy person you know all the gross stuff like snot coming out of my nose and tears just a waterfall.


She rubbed my back and smiled.

"Carlos, I'm glad you let everything out. But since you don't want me to yell at you, I'll leave.  But please sleep. You're not skipping school."

She got up and left, closing the door behind her.

5 minutes later I don't know I'm crying I heard a knock on my door.

"Ok mom! I'll go to sleep"

I rubbed my eyes and the door opened.


A/N ok I'm naming my self CEO of Cliffhanger angst cuz WE LOVE THAT'

Also it's 3:30 am and I'm watching Moriah Elizabeth so yeye

500 words

Is it more? ~ A Seblos Fanfic by: TypicalSeblosWhere stories live. Discover now