🦋All good things come to an end.🦋

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My #1 - You lying piece of shit.

I could feel my heart break into tiny little pieces. Everything was over.

My life was ruined

Everything I love is gone.


Ashlyn probably hates me now.

I could feel the salty tears in my mouth.

"everyone hates me...." I whispered.


Great now my mother is mad at me.

I make my way downstairs to see my mom and Eliza. 

"Carlos. Eliza called me and told me what happened and then I found out that you and 'EJ' kissed in MY house. Please. Explain EVERYTHING to me."

I nodded and all three of us sat down on the couch. "Is Seb here?" I asked shakily. 

"No. Now please tell me what happened because he wont say a word." Eliza said shaking her head. 

 "It's all my fault, I was the asshole..." I whispered the last part.

"Watch your mouth but go on." My mom said and I nodded.

"I was trying to fill out all the paperwork in the office, on 6 cups of coffee and sleep deprived and I yelled at Seb." Eliza gasped.

"You can't yell at Seb, hes fragile.." She said and I nodded and covered my face.

" I know I know! He took me to his house after I crashed and then when I woke up he broke up with me."

My mom laughed then covered her mouth. "I'm sorry go on." \

"Then I woke up this morning and got like 40 texts about EJ and I which NEVER happened." 

The moms looked at eachother then looked at me. 

"Delete your account." 


"Carlos. Delete all of your accounts."

"Mom, you don't understand, if I delete my account then people will think I like DIED!" 

"I am your mother, either that or give me your phone."

I mean, It's not like theres anything bad on my phone. 

I gave her my phone and she went on a texting spree. Everyone on my phone got the same text.

Hey, I just wanted to say that you should worry about your life and not mine. The fact that you would believe something that EJ or I didn't even say is sickening. So how about you mind your own business and leave me alone. 

Apparently, that worked. 


A few days later 


I woke up to a phone call. 

My #1

I instantly declined and freaked out. "What the hell?" I thought.

"Hey 'Los. I just wanted to talk but if you don't then thats fine." I heard on the voicemail. 

It was five minuets of him rambling. 

I decided to just call him back.

"Hey." He said.

"Hey." I replied. 

"I'm outside your house." He said and I laughed.

"I know, come on in." 

I heard my door open like 30 seconds later and Seb smiled.

"I'm so sorry. Carlos I really messed up and I swear to you that I was NOT the one who did the Elos thingy." 

"Seb. I know. It was Ricky playing a prank that went too far."

"I really miss you Carlos."  

"Seb. I'm not going to sugarcoat this I do miss us. and what we had was real, but I like us better as friends."

"Yeah. You're my bestfriend Carlos. Thats not ever going to change. I do love you."

He jumped on me and wrapped his arms around me.

"I know you're sorry Seb. I love you too."

So the real question is. "Is it more?" Yeah, it was more but I'm glad that Seblos is a stronger friendship. 

T H E   E N D 


a/n Thank you SO much for all the support on this story and thank you for being patient. 

Happy Pride Month, 

Black Lives Matter,

Wear your masks. 

Word Count: 618

Is it more? ~ A Seblos Fanfic by: TypicalSeblosWhere stories live. Discover now