🧸 Spin the bottle 🧸

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Seb sighed and looked at everyone.

"Wait but it's said he didn't have a crush" Nini said, very confused.

"Seb, it's fine" I said and he smiled.

Well because I WANTED TO KISS SEB!

"Ok Carlos, the final one!"

We got everything set up and Nini came over to me.

Nini- "Do you have a crush?"
Me- "Yep."   TRUTH

EJ- "on a scale of 1-10 what would you rate me?" (if he won't stop asking the same question)
Me- "6/10 because you keep asking" TRUTH

After those weirdos it was Sebs turn.

Seb- "Uh, are you hiding anything from me?"
Me- "yes." TRUTH

Doesn't everyone have secrets even their BEST FRIEND doesn't know?

Ashlyn (oh god) - "Have you ever wanted to k- wait never mind let me step it up a bit, have you ever wanted to do it with Seb?"


Me- "Ew no I never thought of that" DOUBLE LIE.

Well dang. Thanks magical lie detector box thingy.

Seb laughed and went to get the bottle.

"Alright! Now that we all know about each other, LETS START SPINNING! But is anyone against kissing anyone?"

Kourtney got up and went to get chips, she just came to laugh at everyone.

"Uh can I re spin if I land on Ricky?" EJ asked.

"NOPE!" Ok Nini you start!" Ashlyn said and Nini spun the bottle, landing on Gina.

"Eeeeee" Seb said and I laughed.

They both looked at each other and Ricky made this weird mad squeal thing.

They kissed for about 5 seconds before Ricky pulled them away.

After a while Ricky had to kiss Ej and Ej had to kiss Seb which was kinda hard to watch.

"Seb, it's your turn!" Ashlyn said grinning.

We all watched as the bottle spun super fast and then it landed on Nini.

They both started to laugh even louder and Ricky looked very mad.

"Aww this is going to be adorable" Big Red said causing us all to laugh.

They both leaned into each other and quickly kissed the other.

If Seb wasn't gay that couldve been a cute relationship... just sayin.

After they kissed it was finally my turn.

I spun the bottle and... it landed on


I mean this is what I wanted in the first place.

"Yes!" Ashlyn mumbled and we both blushed.

"Let's just get this over with" He said.

That's how he felt about the kiss? oh...

We both leaned into each other and he lifted my chin with his finger. The kiss was nice.

When we pulled away he smiled and I almost fainted.


After the party Seb and I awkwardly sat in his dads truck.

"So...that happened"

"Nothing happened, jt was just a kiss and you know that" Seb snapped

"Oh, yeah it was just a silly kiss" I said and we both looked at each other.

"Seb? What's wrong?" I asked and he snapped at me again.


It was only Sebs mom and I guess Ashlyn figured it out.

"I'll take you home." He said and the rest of the car ride was silent"

A/N HAHAHH CLIFFHANGER AND ANGST! Also I'm going back to sleep so no update until later


550 words

Is it more? ~ A Seblos Fanfic by: TypicalSeblosWhere stories live. Discover now