👑Welcome back idoits 👑

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I wake up so warm, a yawn a bit and rub my eyes.

Then. I feel arms wrapped around me.

Aww its Seb and suprisingly we both fell asleep and I didn't move.

Then, I realized.

"SEB! SEB! GET YOUR ASS UP! WE HAVE SCHOOL!" I slapped his face and he got up, looked at me and then realized.


"Seb I know you want to say 'shit' just you know what nevermind, you're too soft just give me pants and lets gooooo"

Seb smiled and got up.

"Here are your sweatpants." He threw my sweatpants at me and I almost dropped them

"Ew, kinda wanted to look better than you but....ok"

He laughed and went into his closet.

I ran downstairs and saw Sebs mom, making food.

"Oh! Hi Carlos!" She was the only one who knew about my crush on Seb. (I might make that a oneshot teehee)

"Hi Ms. Matthew-Smith!" She handed me a plate with 2 pieces of toast, one with grape jelly and one with mushed avacado on the other.

"I think you know which one is which." She smiled and i went back upstairs, holding the plate.

"Hey Seb- woah"

He was wearing a hoodie, with a jean jacket over it with ripped jeans.

"uh. It's Salt Lake Utah and you're wearing that"

He laughed and I handed him his avacado toast.

"yes- mmm this is really good"


When we finally got to the school Ashlyn litterally popped out of no where and took us to the theater.

After getting dragged by Ashlyn we saw everyone was sitting in a circle.

"alright, welcome back idoits! Now, before we start auditioning for this musical and try to kill eachother, I want to throw one last party."

Everyone laughed EJ looked at Ricky, giving off the "i will kill you" look.

"So I hope to see you idoits at my place tonight at 7pm. Spin the bottle~"

She pointed at Big Red and he blushed.

"Ok. But before we spin any bottle we're all playing truth or truth....with a lie dector!" I yelled and everyone nodded.

"Ok great! See you all tonight!!!"


a/n I think that I'm going to start doing one chapter per night lol. I need sleep.

356 words

Is it more? ~ A Seblos Fanfic by: TypicalSeblosWhere stories live. Discover now