🎭 Not Right Now 🎭

677 15 13

I needed this.... or maybe I didn't.

Miss Jenn had another breakdown and now I'm doing all the paperwork. But I think it's therapeutic...

I haven't talked to Seb for a week now....

Papers all around me. Technically I'm also applying for colleges but no one cares for that stuff. 

I've been sitting in this room for what it feels like forever, I've been through 6 cups of coffee and I've gone through 8 musical soundtracks. I'm currently on Hamilton.

I told myself that I wouldn't stop until I was finished but I still had at least 4 stacks to go.

After Non-Stop played I almost started crying. For some reason when he said he wasn't throwing away his shot after literally everyone was telling him to do a certain thing he flipped out. And to be honest...

I felt that.

A bit later I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in, if you want it's kinda messy" I called out.  They replied with opening the door and sweet mother of Irene it was

Big the fuck Red.

"Big Red? Is there something wrong?" I asked turning down the music.

"Seblos." He said and I raised an eyebrow.

"What?" I asked.

"Oh sorry. Ashlyn kept saying 'SEBLOS IS BEST SHIP!!!' I think everyone was confused"

I laughed a bit. "But Uh Red. Coffee?" I asked. It was a different person everytime so I thought it was his turn with my coffee.

"Oh, not my turn. But you've been in here for atleast 10 hours. Carlos you need sleep." He said, I could see the worry in his eyes. But he's not wrong.. I've been sitting in this chair since 5am.

"Oh and turn the music down. I got confused and messed up the sound." He said and I nodded.

"Bye Red." I said and he waved and left.

Literally not even 45 seconds later another knock was on the doorZ

"Red, you can come back in"

The door opened.

I look up to see my very worried boyfriend, Seb had my coffee in hand and when I reached for it he pulled it back.

"Calm down crazy Starbucks girl." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Seb I love you but not right now..." He nodded and set my coffee on the table.

"We haven't really talked much this week.... but uh don't you think you need to sleep? Or talk to your friends? Or your boyfriend? Or kiss your boyfriend... my lips are sad!" He said and I almost started crying.

"Hunny, I said not right now!" I said a bit louder.

"Ok but like a fist bump? Or a hug?"

"Seb pleas go I'm trying to finish this" I said and he shook his head.

"I can help yo-"


Is it more? ~ A Seblos Fanfic by: TypicalSeblosWhere stories live. Discover now