🌺 Actually 🌺

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The door opened and my eyes widened

"SEB?" I cried sitting up.

"What? No! It's me, EJ"

I rolled my eyes and shook my head.


"Because Ashlyns phone was being annoying and she was passed out and all the messages were from Seb saying how he messed up so I came here, plus your mom loves me."

For once he didn't even look....right but for some reason he was still beautiful.

"Ok EJ thanks for the notice but can you go in trying to sl-"

"Kiss me."

"WHAT?" I yelled then covered my mouth, trying not to wake up my mom.

Ok ok ok so pretty much my ex-crush wants to kiss me?

"Am I dreaming?" I whispered


Crap, that should've stayed in my head.

"Nothing, Uh why do you want to kiss me?"

He laughed and sat on my bed.

"I can't really say why. Just- kiss me~"

Woah. I've never seen this EJ before.

He put his hand on my thigh and his other on cheek.

"EJ, I'm not a girl the whole hand on thigh doesn't get me like aroused like the others do."

He smiled and pulled me closer.

"Caswell. I don-"

"Please. I really need to see if I'm ya know.."

I rolled my eyes and nodded.

He pulled me closer and started to kiss me.

Maybe the crush feeling was back...

A few weeks later

Update: Seb and I haven't talked unless we were forced to.

Like we planned he auditioned for lumiere and I cogsworth.

I just wished we could talk.


"How long has it been?" Kourtney asked coming up to me.

"3 weeks" I mumbled and she gave me a hug.

"I'm sorry Carlos. Uh. You're still the SD right?"

I nodded.

"Good because Miss Jenn, is being Miss Jenn."

I sighed and got up.

It really is boring without him with me


A/N ok I know I say I don't like Elos but I'll let it happen for one half of a chapter

Also it was gonna be Seb but I feel like it's too predictable.

360 words

Is it more? ~ A Seblos Fanfic by: TypicalSeblosWhere stories live. Discover now