💔 You don't mean that..💔

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"Seb. Please. Just go, I need time-"

"Yeah you need time to be a bitch." He said with a tear falling down his cheek. 

"SEB WAIT-" I said and the door slammed shut. 

I really am an idiot. 

I sat back down in my chair. I looked at the stacks of paper and got back to work.

I couldn't stop.

Not until I was finished.


Seb sat there. He didn't know what to do. It was hard being yelled at for him. Especially if it was his boyfriend. But Carlos wasn't just his boyfriend. 

He's his bestfriend.


I was finally done with everything. 

It's hard doing this and keeping a social life. 

Or a boyfriend. 

I- I- I couldn't face him. Not yet atleast. It will be too hard for me. 

I was just going to rest my eyes for like 5 minutes and then go talk to him.



anddddd I was asleep.


Next thing I knew I was in a bed. But it wasn't mine. 

I opened my eyes and took a deep breath.

"Buenos días dormilón." I heard someone say.  (Good morning sleepyhead)

I looked around and saw Seb, slipping tea from his cup.

"Hey.." I said as he sat on the bed. 

"Nope. Don't even say a word." He said. Thats when I remembered what happened.

"Carlos. You passed out in the chair with atleast 10 cups of coffee around you. I tried to wake you up but it was like you were drunk.....off of coffee. So I picked you up and took you here. I would've brought you home but I didn't want you to wake up and question your whole life. But I am still mad at you." He said not even stuttering. Thats how I knew he was mad.

"Seb." I started but he put his hand out.

"No. I'll say it." He said and I raised an eyebrow.

"Carlos. I think we need to break up." He said.

I couldn't believe what he just said. 

"You don't mean that..." I said but he nodded his head. 

"Carlos. I love you soooo much but to be honest I think it's the best for the both of us if we just broke up. But this doesn't  mean we have to ruin our friendship." He smiled pitifully and held my hand.

"S-Seb n-no" I said and we both started crying. 

"Carlos. But before it's over."

He grabbed my face and kissed me. It was passionate but salty, due to the tears.    

"Carlos. I love you. See you later." He walked me out and I went home.

It's all my fault. 


tee hee 

420 words 

Is it more? ~ A Seblos Fanfic by: TypicalSeblosWhere stories live. Discover now