Part 2

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Kelly ask Herrmann was where Stella. He told her the last time he saw her she took some rubbish outside but that was ages ago. Kelly went outside the back to look for her. He shouted Stella but there was no reply and then he saw Stella on the floor. He shouted for help and ran over to Stella. He found Stella unconscious. Kelly check for a pulse and check to see if she breathing. She had an pulse but it was weak. Kelly got his phone out his pocket and phone 911 and order an ambulance. Kelly clear her mouth to make sure her airway was clear she was barely breathing Kelly was begging her to hold on. Otis eventually came out to see what the shouting about and saw and ran back in to get Dawson and Brett. They all came out and Brett and Dawson did all they can to help Stella. Eventually an ambulance came and her took her to med. They all follow and waiting in the waiting room while Natalie and  Will work on her. Kelly was pacing up and down he was eager for news and hoping she don't loose the baby. Natalie came out with an update.  'We manage to get Stella stable as best we can she on her way to surgery now' 'will she be alright?' 'We don't know yet but we hopeful She got some internal bleeding which we got to repair' 'what about the baby?' Natalie look down and look at Kelly with tears in her eyes then Kelly asks 'what is it?'  'I'm so sorry Stella has lost the baby' Kelly sat on the floor crying his eyes he couldn't believe what he was hearing. Natalie waited for Kelly to calm down abit.

Then Natalie spoke to them all 'just to let you know pd will be here in abit and they will probably want to ask you all some questions about what happen' Herrmann then ask 'what do you mean what happen' 'it look like she was hit and kick repeatedly in the stomach' Kelly got up of the floor 'is that why she lost the baby?' Natalie look Kelly in the eyes and says 'yes' Kelly then punches the wall and walked out and said he need led fresh air.

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