Part 10

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Kelly woke up he look around for Stella but she wasn't there only except for April his head was hurting . He ask her where Stella was. April said she didn't know and went to look for her. After 10 minutes Casey came in Kelly ask him where Stella was he told him didn't know they thought she was in with Kelly but Brett and Gabby gone to look for her. Kelly ask when the last time they saw her Casey replied we not sure possible an hour look don't worry i'm sure she fine. By this time Kelly was worried and went to get out of bed Casey ask him what he doing and Kelly said I need to go to look for her. Casey push him back on the bed and told him he staying in bed. I will ask the others to look for her. Kelly told him he don't understand and went on to tell him about the message that was left on the mirror and the night she lost the baby. Casey then tried to phone Stella on her mobile but it was going to voicemail he then told Kelly he going to get the others to look for her and he will have an word with security.

As soon as Casey went to look for Stella Kelly got his phone out and phone Jay. Kelly knew that something happen to Stella he could feel it.

Jay and Hailey turn up at med and went straight to Kelly bed. Casey was with him. There still haven't been able to find Stella. Hailey told him we trying to track her phone. Jay and Hailey went to speak to security and look at the cctv. Jay had an message  about where signal from her phone was and went outside to look and then he saw it in the bin and then he notice Stella jacket stuff behind the bin.

Kelly was going frantic and was shouting at everybody he was desperate to find Stella then Jay walk in and gave them the news that he thinks that Stella been taken.

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