Part 3

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Kelly was outside angry with himself. In all the panic of finding her like that he never notice she been hit. He felt guilty she should of been in Molly's celebrating with him not taking the rubbish out. But Stella always like to help out in any she can. Matt came out and join him. They spoke for an but then went back inside.

Jay and Hailey was there taking statements they was asking them all questions did they anyone acting suspicious or did notice anybody following her questions like that. Nobody saw anything and they left and said they will comeback when Stella wakes up. Everybody was in shock and disbelief that who do something like that it was cruel.

Nat came to give them an update 'Stella is out the surgery went well and she should be awake in an couple of hours but she will be in a lot of pain. She had got a few broken ribs' Kelly ask her can he see her and Natalie said he can and took him up.

He sat with her and hold her hand. He broke down and cried and apologise to her for not protecting her and told her he going to be there for her.

It been an couple of hours and Stella started to wake up. Kelly notice and got an doctor as he could tell she was in pain. Natalie gave some pain meds and ask her a couple questions. Stella wasn't saying much. Just then Stella ask her a question she knew but she hope she was wrong. She ask about the baby and Natalie confirm she lost the baby she started crying. Kelly immediately went to hug her she tried to fight off but Kelly told her it going be okay and he not her fault eventually she stopped fighting him and let him hug her and they both cried.

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