Part 5

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As soon as Kelly help Stella into the apartment she storm off into the toilet and then went to bed in the spare bedroom. Kelly was at a lost what to do he never saw Stella like this.

The next morning Stella got up with a bad head over Kelly told her he made her some scrambled eggs and some coffee. Stella sat there just said thank you. Kelly watch her finish he already had his breakfast. Then Kelly ask 'well are you going to say anything?' Say what I said thank you' 'about what happen yesterday?' 'What about I fail my physical I don't need reminding' 'not only that an apology' 'apologise for what?' 'For taking it out out me and then getting yourself so drunk that I had to pick you up what the hell going on with you?' 'You know what going on I lost an baby' 'yeh so did I but you don't seem to care' Kelly storm out. Stella sat on the sofa crying she was so scare and feeling alone but couldn't tell Kelly why she scare and seeing that bloke she recognise confirm that the man she fear the most is back. She sat there on the sofa thinking then she pick up the phone and call Hailey. She ask to meet up in private.

Stella went pd and Hailey took her in one of the meeting rooms. Stella made Hailey promise not to say anything to Kelly or 51. She then told Hailey everything even what he said on the night  of the attack. Hailey said she will do some checks and she strongly advises to let Kelly know.

Stella got back and Kelly there to Stella told him she sorry for pushing him away when she shouldn't have. Then Stella said with tears in her eyes she don't want to loose him. Kelly told her she won't and hug her where Stella broke down in his arms.

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