Part 8

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It was the next morning Kelly woke up to find Stella sitting up Kelly sat up aswell  Kelly ask her what wrong and Stella explain how she thinks her dad was behind the attack that cost her there baby and about seeing one of his men. Kelly was angry and upset. He made an promise to Stella to himself that he was going to be there for Stella and he was going to do his best that no harm comes to her.

Stella and Kelly got up had an shower and had breakfast they were both quiet they was waiting for an update. Hailey and Jay turn up Stella said it okay to speak in front of Kelly he knows everything and holds his hand. Hailey smiles and ask Stella you mention that you think your father might behind the messages now I have to ask do you think anybody else could be behind the messages?' ' No I can only think of him' 'okay you said that you thought you saw a man that use to hang around your dad have seen him again?' 'No I only just saw him the once' 'you use to be married to Grant is there any chance it could be him?' 'I haven't spoken to Grant since he went to rehab but I don't think it him' 'what make you think it not him?' 'I don't know just an feeling that all' ' did you ever tell Grant about your dad and what he did?' 'No i didn't what is this it has to do with it my dad who doing this' Hailey look at Jay and said 'we have to rule out over possibilities on who it might be we have also spoke to the police officers who investigated the case they been looking for any trace or sign since the fire they haven't been able to find anything to say your dad is still alive' Hailey took a deep breath and carried on 'last year the police decided to close the case completely and presume your dad is dead' 'what about the bloke I saw?' 'We haven't been able to trace him but we looking Stella I need you to think about if anybody else could be behind this' 'but are you going to be looking for my dad right?' 'sorry no we been looking at the evidence we got no evidence that you dad is alive' 'what he has to be he got to be the one that behind them messages?' 'There no evidence that he the one behind the messages we  finish doing what we doing you should be able to go back this afternoon and we will put a police car outside for the moment' Hailey and Jay left when Kelly close the door Stella said to Kelly 'it's him I can feel it' Kelly hug Stella while she broke down crying.

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