Part 9

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It had been 2 weeks since someone broke in. There had been no other incidents so  pd decided to remove the police car sitting outside and keeping an watch on them. This made Stella nervous. Kelly and Stella was going back to work today Stella got the all clear. Kelly was hoping that it will help with getting things back to normal. He was worried and he made sure Stella was never left alone.

Stella and Kelly was  on shift everybody welcome them back they had a few calls but nothing to serious. When Stella was walking through the kitchen area otis came up to her and gave her an envelope. Stella open it and it read any day now my darling. It cause Stella to panic she was about to show Kelly the card but then the alarms to tell them they got a call. So they all went. When they got it was house that was on fire. Kelly was upstairs then they was a flashover and thrown Kelly out of the window.

Stella and the others rush over to him he was unconscious. Gabby and Brett got him to med. they was all sitting in the waiting room waiting for news. Will came out said Kelly going to be fine he got an concussion. They was all relieved that he was going to be alright.

Stella went outside for some fresh air then she remember about the note just as she was about to phone Hailey  she look up and she saw the man again standing in front of her then a van pulled up and somebody came up behind and put a cloth over mouth to put Stella to sleep and they carried her and put her in an van and drove off.

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