Part 18

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Natalie and April was checking Stella over they order some test they was also taking photos of Stella injuries and taking swabs. Stella wasn't hardly saying much. Natalie gave Stella some sedatives to help sleep while they perform an Rape kit and also she was cut which Natalie repair. Natalie thought it best to give her something to sleep while she does it as she been through enough

Natalie came out and gave Kelly and the others an update also dr Charles will be seeing her tomorrow and suggested to the others to comeback tomorrow to see her.  The other went and so did Casey and Gabby they tried to get Kelly to leave but he said he wasn't leaving her and he went to sit with Stella. He was watching her sleep. He couldn't help but think of the video it was tearing him apart with what they did to her he never watch all of it but he seen enough and each time it was making him angry he went outside for some air. He saw Hailey she ask Kelly how Stella he told her she not good but she sleeping. Hailey gave him an update they manage to arrest them all at the house and they all will be charged and said she be coming tomorrow to try to take a statement from Stella Kelly ask if there any need to as they got an evidence Hailey told sorry we have to it procedure and left.

Kelly went back inside and got himself an coffee and sat with it and when he was ready he went to sit with Stella. When he got back to her room he noticed that Stella was awake and was curl up in a ball she look so fragile Kelly walked up to her and went to hold her hand she flinch and pulled her hand away. Kelly said sorry and sat down  and told her she can talk to him about anything and even she want to yell cry whatever I going to be there for you whenever you need me And told Stella he loves her and nothing will change that.

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