Part 22

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Kelly show up everyday to see Stella. He would bring her little treats and sit outside her room. He would also leave sweet notes for her. She wouldn't read them at first but she kept them. After a few days of Kelly giving her the notes. Kelly spotted Stella reading them with an smile on her face. She still wouldn't except them or read them in front of Kelly . But seeing the smile on Stella face made him happy so he carried on.

Kelly knew Stella been through a lot and he never wanted to push her about there relationship but all that matter to Kelly was being for her and trying to get her happy. Stella was the most important person to him. Stella was improving slowly. Brett and Gabby would visit everyday and the others came from 51 when they can.

One morning Kelly went to visit Stella and drop of her treat with a note. As Kelly was about to leave Stella ask him out of blue 'do you mean all that you say in the notes?' Kelly turn around and said 'yes with all my heart your the most important person in my life and you the only girl I want to be with. I want to grow old with you have kids & grandkids' stella look up at him with tears and said ' I love you to and you mean the world to me but how can you love me with what happen to me?' 'Stella what happen to you shouldn't of happen and I sorry I should of protected you more. Truthfully  I am angry with what they did to  you but that doesn't change a thing with how I feel for you. I love you and I always will i will wait for you to be ready' 'I sorry for pushing you away I shouldn't have all that been playing through my head is what they done to me but your notes I read them and they gave me comfort and with help from dr Charles and all my friends I starting to see the future again and I want to spend my life with you.' 'I do to' 'Do you still want to marry me?' 'Yes I do' 'okay what about we start planning it?' 'I would like that.

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