part 14

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After Jay left Kelly totally broke down in Casey and Gabby arms as he told them i can't carry on not with Stella i love her. I can't bare that they took her away from me to treat her badly. All Gabby and Casey could do was hug him and they was both crying for Kelly and for Stella. After 30 minutes Casey and Gabby got Kelly to calm down and they call will halstead to come round to check on Kelly they was worried about him. Will check him over and gave him a sleeping tablet which they all manage to convince Kelly to go and lie down and have a table so he can sleep which he did reluctantly. After 30 mins after will left they check on Kelly and he was fast to sleep.

Over at PD they was working endlessly to find Stella. They haven't had much luck in finding any of the man. They did find some of there girlfriends and they all said they gone away in business or gone away on an fishing trip. They all seem to of not been seen since stella been kidnapped. They put surveillance on there girlfriends and got hold of there phone logs. They then thought to mention about Stella thinking that there girlfriends might give them up then one night they had an phone call from one of them to say they in an bar down town and when they got there they manage to arrest or 3 of them.

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