Part 7

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Stella collapse on the bed her breathing was going really fast all Stella was sat please let me get me over over again with tears coming down her face. Kelly knew she was having a panic attack and put his face in front of her and holding her hands and told her to breath and told her I won't let anything happen to you I promise. Kelly manage to calm her down. Afterwards he put an call into pd. He was confuse with the message and what Stella was saying he knew Stella wasn't telling him something but it must be bad so now he was worried.

PD came and got there guys to take photos and check the place for fingerprints. They took statement of Kelly and Stella. Hailey was in the bedroom talking to Stella on her own. Hailey and Stella came out and Hailey whisper something to jay and then spoke to both of them. 'Under the circumstances we think it be best if you and Stella stay at an hotel with an guard on the door for tonight maybe more while investigate' 'what how long will it take?' 'We don't know yet we also advise to keep an low profile and to speak to your chief to arrange time off when you go out there will a guard following you at all times' they pack all there Stuff that they wanted to take with them. Kelly made an quick call to Boden to tell him what going on and agreed to let them have time off.

Kelly was mad at the situation. He realise this must be really bad for pd to go these lengths to protect them but he still didn't know why.

They got to the hotel and Hailey and Jay left them to it Stella sat on the bed staring at her hands. Kelly took an deep breath and then Stella said to him 'Kelly I'm scared' 'honey you don't need to be there an guard outside and pd on the case.' 'No it not that I'm scared that you won't love me anymore when I tell you' 'Stella I love you with all my heart nothing is going to change that you the women for me and always will be' Kelly sat besides her with arm around her' 'you mean that cause I love you and I couldn't bear to lose you' ' yes I do mean it and you don't need to worry about me you can tell me anything' 'okay when I was an kid I never had an easy up bringing it probably why I ended up on drugs to forget about it. I wish I could but can't my Dad he was a total arsehole he was in to everything in all kinds of trouble. I spent most of my life back then locked in a cupboard  with an eye to peep out  off.  When I was allowed to come out and if I put a foot wrong or too loud he would beat me with his belt. When I was getting older he would touch me in areas he shouldn't off  been he use to say I'm his special girl. I was never  allowed to play with my older sister, my mom she was my dad punching bag and I wasn't allowed to go to her my Dad use to say they were both poisoned and I should keep away from them.  One day I was  playing in an corner with my dolls I was on my own and then something kicked off my dad came charging in pulling my sister by the hair with my mom following screaming at him to leave her alone his men came in with him. I then notice my dad had an knife in his hands he use to make my sister sleep with people for money but she tried to ran away somehow but not sure how but one of my dad guards caught her and  brought her back. There was a lot of screaming and then suddenly  my dad slit her throat and killed her. My Mom she was hysterical she started  hiting, punching my dad I stayed in the corner staring I couldn't speak or move I think I was in shock. My dad was really angry I never saw him like that before he push my mom off a couple of times threatening her to stop but she kept coming back eventually my dad had enough he still had the knife in his hands and then he stabbed her repeatedly until she died. He let her fall on the floor and then order his men to clear them up like they was rubbish and told them to get rid of the knife he turn around and saw me in the corner he came over he pick me up and said I'm all his now just me and you now and you never going to leave me. He then carried me to his room and there was a box and he lock me in there and put some food and water in there. I was lock into there for an few days. He let me out one night and made me sleep in the same bed as him . Every night he would make me sleep in the bed where he would touch me more and more I was to scare to say anything or to try fight him off so I let him he move on to raping me every night and sometimes he will do it a couple of times in the night and sometimes in the day by then he stopped locking me in an box and use to lock me in the room I never saw anybody. Then all of the sudden a man started to talking to me through the door I wouldn't answer him at first I was to scare. One day he put an note through underneath door saying I can trust him and he here to help me he ask me if he could trust me to keep an secret I found an pen and wrote yes and then he wrote on that he was undercover cop and his name was Tyler. Everyday we wrote notes to eachother. I told him that my dad killed my sister and my mom and what he was doing. He kept all the notes I couldn't leave any notes incase my dad found them. He kept promising he doing the best to get me out and that I was loosing patience with him thought I wasn't going to get out but he kept telling me we got to get enough evidence against my dad to lock him up for a good time. Anyway one night I could hear shouting I knew something was going on I thought maybe they found out about Tyler and then I could smell smoke. I knew the house was on fire and that was the shouting i started banging on the door screaming for help something just click I wanted to get out. I think if it wasn't for Tyler I wouldn't of scream for help eventually Tyler came and broke down the door he put me over his shoulder i carry me downstairs he had a gun in one hand. He kept telling me everything was going to be okay. When we got downstairs there was a lot of smoke and my dad was there with some other guys look like they was trying to put the fire out and trying to protect stuff. My dad saw Tyler with me and shouted what he doing my dad also had an gun and shot him in the leg and Tyler fell down and he told me to run he tried to shot my dad but missed and my dad was shouting at me you not going anywhere you staying here. Tyler shouted at me to run. I got up and went to run I think Tyler manage to shot him cause he scream and he was holding his shoulder Tyler scream at me to run again so I ran as fast as I could. I think somebody tried to catch me cause I could hear someone behind me but i never look back just kept running. I think after 2 days of walking and hiding my body was tired I never knew where I was going I never been out I been locked up all my life. I then saw a fire station I walked in begging for help and collapsed on the floor. The firefighters was very good with me they gave me water and food and got me to the hospital where they called the cops. I told them everything. While I was in hospital the firefighters kept popping into see me I could see how much they cared. The cops went to the house they found Tyler body but the house was burnt down and they couldn't confirm if my dad was alive or dead. After that they move me away from that area and gave me a new  last name Stella Kidd incase my dad was still alive and tried to trace me. I was put into foster homes and some of them was dreadful sometimes the kids would try it on with me. Then I met Grant he got me into drugs I was free but I was still living the nightmare in my head and the drugs helped me to escape in my head. Then we got into a car crash and the firefighter got us out and it was like a wake up call I realise I can't keep living this way so I got help and left Grant and had years of counselling and I decided I wanted to be a firefighter to help people as they help me.' They was both crying and Kelly took Stella in his arms Kelly told her 'I think you the bravest and strongest person I know I love you even more. I promise I do everything I can to protect you and I won't let him hurt you again'  Stella smile cuddle up to him. They went to bed Kelly pulled Stella in his chest tight and whisper I love you'

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