Part 20

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It took an hour for Kelly to settle Stella down. He tried to get her to drink or eat but she refuse. She eventually went back to sleep. Kelly was worried about her he was hoping that dr Charles can help Stella get through this. Kelly hates seeing Stella like this it was tearing him apart. Eventually he fell to sleep.

He woke up to find Stella awake staring at him. Stella ask why he  was still here and Kelly told her 'he here for you I meant it that I'm going to here for you I love you' 'no you don't how can you when they did that to me' 'Stella I love you nothing will change that I still want to marry you and I promise I going to be there for you' just then an nurse brought some breakfast in Kelly told to eat some breakfast 'no I don't want anything' 'come on Stella you got to eat' ' no I don't' she then threw her breakfast on the floor and then Stella turn to Kelly and said I don't want anything I know my dad sent you the video he couldn't resist bragging to me how you don't want to be with me anymore now that how you will see me a dirty whore now and you won't be able to get it out of your head' 'what Stella that doesn't change anything' 'yes it does I don't want to marry you or be with you now get out and leave me alone' 'Stella please I love you I don't see you like that you got to believe me' Stella then scream the top of her lungs 'GET OUT I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAin' April came and ask Kelly to leave.

Kelly was outside getting some fresh air. April came out ask if he okay 'no I not I love her I will do anything for her what can I do to make her see that' 'Kelly you need to give her time she has been through a lot you need to be patient with her dr Charles is going to see her in the next hour.'  'It like she pushing me away?' Cause she hurting  and she feels ashamed that you saw the video and she putting up walls to protect herself but one day them walls will  come down and she will let you in I promise now think you need to go home rest shower and eat and I will keep an eye on Stella' Kelly got up said you right I went home.

When Kelly got back to there apartment anger swept over him and he trash the place and broke down on the floor crying.

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