Part 11

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Stella woke up. Her mouth was dry. She was on the floor in an dark room she was naked. She started to panic she never knew where she was the last thing she remembers was being outside med. she started shouting for help and banging on the door begging for them to let her go. After an hour 2 men eventually came in and grab Stella by the arms and handcuff her arms to chains that was hanging from the ceiling. One them of grope her breast and punch her bum Stella spat at them and swore at them but she got a slap round the face for it.

Then she saw him and it was like she saw a ghost coming in the room with the bloke she saw outside Molly's. He ask her 'are you going to say hello to your father?' Stella didn't replied 'I bet you missed me after all these years apart but don't worry we reunited now and no one going to separate us again look at your gorgeous body' he then got closer and lick stella face and put his hands on her private parts and whisper to her 'you better get use to having your legs open' Stella kick out of him and spat at him 'I see you pick up some dirty habits don't worry we will soon have that beat out of you' he smiled he made Stella skin crawl and then her dad said 'now you see you ran away from me years ago and left me to die and you must be punish for it' he then pick up an whip and an taser and then said 'now lets get on to your punishment which one will I get my men to torture you with?' Stella beg to let her go but he said 'what that I think I let them torture with you both He instructed his men to give her 100 whips to the back and taser how many times they want' he then tie a gag around her mouth to bite down on. He then stood there and watch his men whip her and taser her with Stella crying out in pain.

After they finish whipping her and taser her Stella was barely conscious she was tired and in pain. Her dad walk to her and took the gag out of her mouth and ask her how was that Stella mumble F U at him and her dad then order his men to wash her down. His men was sponging her down every time they touch her back she was crying out in pain where they hit her with the whip they was even groping her and one of them even put his fingers up her. Her father just watch her and saw the discomfort she was in at having men touch her that way and he told her you better get used to it cause it your new life now and you better get used to it.

After they finish they untie her from the ceiling and took her to another room and tie her up to an bed and the men left and it was just her and her father. She watch him undress himself and got into bed beside her and he ask her does she remember them having sex Stella noddy then he started taunting her saying bet you missed sleeping with me and all the fun we had. Stella was shaking her head no and crying he then started touching her breasts and kissing her and touching her in all the inappropriate places he then brought put his hand on stomach I sorry I made you loose the baby but I couldn't have you carrying his baby but you never know the night could be the night you get pregnant with my baby or you might be with any my men . Stella look at him and then her father said they all queuing up for abit of you. Now open your legs Stella refuse he then slap her one and put his hand on her back hard which cause her to cry out and he then roughly slammed into her hard and then on to rape her.

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