Part 6

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Stella and Kelly went to bed and cuddle up to eachother.  Stella couldn't bring herself to tell Kelly. The next morning Stella got up first and made herself and Kelly breakfast. After they finish Stella ask Kelly that she been thinking that maybe we should go away for the weekend. Kelly agreed.

Kelly and Stella went to a cabin his dad own. It was nice place. It was quiet. Stella was hoping she was wrong and that it will go away and she never had to tell Kelly anything but she was still worried.

They went for long walks and when they got back Stella kiss Kelly then Stella starting kissing neck. Kelly told her you playing with danger and Stella laugh and carry on and soon there clothes was flying off and Kelly pick her up and threw her on the bed where they made love with eachother.

The next morning Kelly made Stella some breakfast in bed which she enjoyed. Over the next couple days they had lots of fun.

Stella and Kelly was in the car going back home Stella was feeling nervous. She enjoyed her time at the cabin. After they stop of to get milkshakes on the way they eventually arrive back.

When they got to the front door they noticed somebody had broken in. Kelly walk in first with Stella walking behind him. They was mess everywhere. Kelly got on the phone to call the cops Stella walk into the bedroom Kelly tried to stop her incase somebody was hiding in there. Stella look at her bedroom mirror and froze. Kelly came in and saw it and saw they terrify look on her face looking at the message that room 'Don't worry Stella I still coming sooner then you think xxx'

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