Part 4

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Stella never said much after her and Kelly both cried. Pd came and took an statement. She never mention to pd. she made out he just came out from nowhere. She kept thinking of the words he said and repeating it in her head she was scare but never wanted to tell anyone cause then she would have to tell Kelly what happen to her growing up if she was right in thinking that it was him the man she fear the most.

It been an couple of days Stella was waiting to be discharge. Stella couldn't wait to get back home.  Kelly came and took her home.  Stella was hardly speaking or eating. Kelly never knew what to do with himself he was trying to be there for Stella aswell. They was both grieving for the baby they lost.

It been 6 weeks. Stella is practically heal from her injuries and she was having a medical to see if she was fit for work.  Stella was hardly talking to Kelly everytime he tried she would push him away. They haven't found anyone who was responsible for the attack yet. It was playing on her mind a lot so much it distracted her I doing her medical that she failed and got told to comeback in 2 weeks time to do another one.

Stella was in one hell of an mood when she got back. She was slamming everything then Kelly cameback and she ask where he been he said he been out fishing. She started having ago at him for not doing the housework in the end Stella storm out. Kelly never got chance to ask her about her medical but he knew for one thing she wasn't coping.

Stella ended up in Molly's it was the first time she been to Molly's since it happen and it all came flooding back. Everybody ask if she was okay she said she was fine but really she weren't. She kept drinking she wanted to forget. She getting more loud and Gabby decided to call Kelly to pick her up.

Kelly arrived he couldn't believe what he was seeing Stella was in a right mess. So he grabbed her and pulled her outside which made Stella mad and started calling him all sorts and being nasty. Kelly knew it was the drink talking and kept on trying to get her in the car but then Stella froze like she saw somebody. Kelly ask if she was okay and she quickly told Kelly to take her home.

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