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Clover's POV

Alaric seemed different when we began our walk to the library, not different in a bad way, he actually seemed happier to be honest. The tour itself seemed more of a secret because we took all the back staircases and walked behind most buildings and even entered the library through the back exit. I did get to see some of the woods that surrounded the pack though and they were beautiful. I couldn't wait until I could go on the morning runs through them, maybe even with Alaric. I felt my face heating up a little at the thought of that.

"Here we are," Alaric spoke up and opened the door for me. I entered and was in aw at the meer size of the building. There seemed to be rows and rows of books, this was a pretty small building, but they're so much packed in here it was amazing.

"Over there are just the usual books that we have for the teen of the pack and over there are the historical records of the pack and over there..." Alaric trailed off, but I didn't seem to notice what kind of books I was exactly looked at until I got closer. I pulled one out and looked inside and was met with pictures of animals and two sentences on each page.

"Oh this is the children section, right?" I asked and I turned around and looked at Alaric who seemed to have gone off in his own little world.

"Alaric?" He was brought back and seemed to be looking at me even more deeply than he was before.

"Clover..." He began making me nervous. I turned all the way around and faced him as I clutched the small hardcover children's book to my chest as if it were a small shield that might somehow protect me from this awkward situation.

"A lot has happened since you've been here and we haven't had the time really to talk about anything." This book was not helping! I was getting very nervous! I knew where Alaric was going with this and I didn't even know if I was ready for this kind of talk. Alaric walked closer to me and placed both of his arms to the side of me locking me in between them.

"You might be wondering why I haven't marked you yet.." He whispered down to me and all of my words got caught in my throat so all I could do was nod.

"I plan to mark you after your initiation, you'll be stronger then and will be able to handle the marking process." He was getting closer and I was getting more flustered.

"Process?" I asked as I looked up at him, I knew that for a male to mark his female that he needed to bite her, but I didn't know there was a process to it. Alaric smiled at my question and nodded leaning closer to me. He took one hand away from the wall and used it to brush my hair away from my neck. Even when the hair was pushed behind my ear his (large rough hand didn't leave my neck, but rather stayed there and slid all the way down to my shoulder all the way down my arm. His fingers trailing across my skin.

"A-Alaric.." I breathed out as the electricity danced across my skin.

"The process.. Starts like this..." and then he leaned down and kissed my cheek then my jaw and slowly he worked his way all the way down to my collar bone. In no time at all my hands, which once were holding on to a book for dear life, let go of my shield and were then lost in Alaric's dark hair. I was on my tiptoes and my neck arched sideways to give Alaric more room.

This was bad, he-he couldn't mark me after my initiation or even now, but those thoughts that came into my head like bullet fire also passed through as quickly as they came. I would deal with the damage of the shots later. I was too distracted by the sparks igniting my skin.

"Alaric," whispered as I pulled his head away from my neck. For a single moment we stayed just like that looking into the eyes of each other. Him, waiting for me to do something, to make my move. So I broke the moment, fractured it. I pulled his face back down to mine and let his lips crash onto mine.

I don't know what I expected, part of me was worried that because I couldn't feel the full mating bond that it wouldn't be everything that I hoped it would be. I was wrong though, I don't think I even held my breath for that long in my life. With Alaric I never wanted to come up for air, it was like a drug, it made your eyes dilate and heart beat faster and causes your skin burns.

Alaric held me close to him with one arm holding onto my waist while the other got tangled in my own hair. Even when I did come back up for air I just went right back down sinking deeper and deeper into him.

Alaric was the one who pulled away, stopping the heated moment. Even though he stopped it he still didn't pull away from me.

"I need to stop now or else...." He was still breathing hard, but I understood what he was trying to say. If we didn't stop now he wouldn't be able to stop.

"O-okay," I said out of breath.

"Shall we continue the tour?" He asked brushing my hair back down and out of my face. I smiled a little as I responded.

"I think I've seen enough for today, we can head back and grab some food?" Smiling Alaric nodded and kissed me one more time on the lips before taking my hand in his.

"Let's go then." And we went out the front door of the library.

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