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"Alaric it's not that big of a deal!" I tried to pull myself out of his grasp and walk away, but Alaric was too determined and strong.

"Just tell me what that shithead said to you and it doesn't have to be."

"We just talked about him being the beta and then he commented that you hadn't marked me yet." Alaric didn't break eye contact with me even though I had averted my own eyes from his.

"And how did he discover that I didn't mark you, by then you should have still been wearing my T-shirt and he wouldn't have been able to see." Crap! Was Alaric a detective in his spare time! There was no way Brett was getting out of this, forgive me you jerk!

"He looked," Alaric didn't seem satisfied with the explanation, but at least I was vague and I didn't say that he grabbed my chin and looked down my shirt. That would have been too drastic.

"Anything else I should know before I kill him?" Alaric's eyes began to change from green to yellow.

"Ummm..."I mean there was the small part where Brett said that Alaric wasn't man enough to mark his own mate and he talked about how....big he was... Honestly, I wasn't going to mention anything those parts, but then the idea came to mind that if Alaric was angry at Brett I wouldn't need to have him as a tutor to look of the stupid maps of the pack's territory. If anything I might be able to get a different tutor or even convince Alaric to take me out into the woods! Hehehe sorry, Brett!

"He also mentioned that you weren't man enough to mark me... and then he made a few comments on... what he thought out s-sex life would be like." Although I had chosen to tell Alaric I still couldn't force the blush that crept on my face to stay away. It felt like it swallowed a rock and it got stuck on its way down. Alaric and I had talked about marking, but the topic of sex had never even come up yet.

"Oh did he now," I turned my attention back to Alaric who now had an expression that could only be described as hell's wrath on his face. Alaric carefully let me out of his grasp and took a few steps back, his eyes fully yellow now.

"I'll be back," he said and began to walk out the door. Okay... I might have gone too far with this.

"Alaric wait! Where are you going?!" I called after him, but he didn't seem to hear me or he did and he was completely ignoring me. Alaric was in a rage and was marching down the hallway in a furry making anyone in his path part before him.

"Alaric slow down!" He was only walking and yet I was basically jogging just to keep up with him.

"Alaric what are you going to do!" Before I knew it we were in the Obsidian Night's back yard of the packhouse and on the edge of the tree lining was Brett talking to a few wolves that seemed to be starting the border patrol shift. Alaric and I were quickly approaching Brett and he didn't yet know we were there.

"Brett!" I called out to him and he turned around to see Alaric and I not that far away.

"My dear Alpha and Luna! How kind of you to grace me with your presence!" He shouted sarcastically.

"Not the time! Really not the time! I would run if I were you!" I called him from behind Alaric. It wasn't until I yelled those words that Brett seemed to finally understand the situation. He looked from the panic look on my face back to Alaric's.

"I see, it looks like I am needed elsewhere! I will be off then."

"Ack!" Brett yelled as he fell on his back into the grass.XXXX

"You are dismissed," Alaric told the two warriors that were standing there watching. They both nodded and bowed, but they honestly didn't seem that shocked over the whole dispute that was going on right now.

"I see you're getting rid of the witnesses Laric, you were always the resourceful one, you are forgetting about one witness though," Brett still laid on the ground, but he moved his head to get a better angle at me. Alaric shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose between his finger and thumb. Then he slowly kneeled down to Brett's ground level.

"I've heard that you have been making comments about my sex life and about me not marking my mate yet." Although it was summer and around 75-80 degrees outside the whole air surrounding Alaric and Brett chilled when Alaric spoke.

"Oh? So, you h-heard about our little chat then?" At this moment I didn't really know what to do, but I knew one thing for sure was to stay out of their way.

"Yes, I did, and I'm just wondering a few things, is all."

"Oh ya? And what would those be?"

"Well for one I'm wondering how you were able to tell that I hadn't marked Clover yet." I froze and held my breath, it's a trap! Don't fall for it Brett, it's a TRAP.

"W-well you see I simply moved her chin to the side and looked, we're friends we are all friends! No harm no foul." And with that said Alaric pulled Brett up by his shirt and landed a punch to his face.

"Ah!" I screamed in shock and took a step back. After a few more punches and kicks, that didn't look too serious Alaric stopped and tossed Brett away like a piece of trash!

"Next time you talk to my mate keep your mind out of the gutter and your hands off of her." And with that said Alaric got up and began to walk away from Brett who... was smiling?!? What the hell?!?

"I'll keep that in mind, but no guarantees my dear Laric!" Brett yelled as he seemed to be rolling over in pain. I put a hand over my mouth and began to jog over to him to mark sure he was alright, but Alaric caught my hand in his when we passed each other.

"Alaric let me go!" I yelled as I tried to pull my hand away from his.

"He'll be fine, he just needs to sulk right now, and then unfortunately his ego will be restored." From just beating the crap out of his Beta for insulting him and me Alaric still didn't seem too happy.

"Just let me check on him and then- Ah!" I had begun to turn away from Alaric and make my way towards Brett until I felt my hands wrap around my waist. Lifting me up and over... onto Alaric's shoulder. Damit! How the hell do I always end up in these situations!

"Ah! Alaric put me down! Everyone's going to see up my dress!" I yelled at him as I tried to turn around and look at him.

"That can be taken care of." He said simply and then proceeded to place his other free hand on my butt so my dress wouldn't be moved by the wind or by Alaric carrying me around!

"That's not what I meant! Put me down!"

"I don't see the problem, no one will be able to see up your dress now." Ugh, I gave up trying to turn around and slumped myself over Alaric's shoulder. I guess this was my karma for selling Brett out.

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