Chapter 18

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Charles: Remember what you joined y/n, Grayson isn't as innocent as you think *you stood there as his words gave you chills*
Y/n: I know *You blankly said just to respond to Charles*
Grayson: Ah look who it is
Random guy 1: let us fucking go *Grayson walked up and pushed his head back*
Grayson: You think it's that simple? *He said in a stern voice and got close to his face*
Grayson: Now, we're gonna have some fun, you broke into a house that included VERY important people to me. YOU and your friend *he said pointing at the other. The guy laughed and shook his head.*
R1: I won't tell you shit
*Grayson punched his face*
Grayson: You sure about that?
~He did say anything~
Grayson: What about you hm? *he said to the other guy*
Grayson: Fine let's play that game *He grabbed a gun*
R1: You don't wanna do this *He said laughing*
Grayson: What gang are you in *He said sternly*
R2: You'll find out in a minute
Grayson: Hm?
*A gang broke in and instantly started beating Grayson up, there was more of them out by everyone else*
Zack: Y/n LEAVE
Y/n: NO I can fight *Someone started fighting zack*
Calvin: We'll see about that *he said choking you. You gasped for air as you kicked backwards making Calvin get off of you. he ran up and pushed you against a wall with his hand around your neck. You quickly kicked him in the stomach which made him fall. You got down on him and started punching his face until he eventually passed out and your hand was was 5 minutes later*
~Charles pulled you off of him~
Charles: Y/n! That's good, most of them ran after we beat them up
Zack: God damn
Y/n: Wait where's Grayson?! *You pulled out of Charles grip around your hips and ran to the room Grayson was in. You found him in the corner all bloody*
Y/n: OH MY GOD GRAYSON! *You ran over and gently lifted his chin to see his hazel eyes meet your worried face*
Grayson: I'm fine y/n *He softly said in a husky voice, he was hurt...badly*
Charles: Grayson are you okay?! *He, Zack and Charles ran in*
Charles: Holy shit
Y/n: Can you stand?
*Grayson nodded and slowly stood up, he immediately put his hand on his forehead and groaned from the pain.*
Y/n: Come on *You said leading him to the couch and laying him down*
Maggie and Kenzie: Oh my god! What happened?
Grayson: I got jumped by 6 guys
Y/n: Do you guys have first aid?
Charles: Yeah here *He quickly handed you some things and Maggie sat next to you to help*
Grayson: Y/n I promise I'm okay *He quietly said as you put your hand on the cut on his left cheek bone, to clean it up. You ignored what he said and continued to help him, Maggie stayed with you as the others went to clean themselves up. You stared into his eyes with a worried expression...until more went wrong...

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