Part 77

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*you continued to cry as so many emotions filled you. Confusion being the main one*
Grayson: Shh it's gonna be okay...I promise *he softly said*
*you looked up and into his eyes...more tears fell from yours as he reached down and gently kissed you on the forehead*
Grayson: I love you y/n *you closed your eyes as he pulled you into his chest and held onto your body tightly.*
Charles: Y/N *Everyone quickly rushed in and gathered around you. You gently pulled back and continued to cry as Charles, Blake, Maggie, chase, And ethan reached down to hug you.*
Blake: Oh my fucking god...I-I can't believe you're here
*you slightly sniffled and signaled for him to hug you again.*
Y/n: W-When do I get to go h-home?
Grayson: I'm not sure yet *he quietly said* You let out a deep sigh as past memories flooded
Your head.*
Y/n: Where's Calvin?
Grayson: Shh don't worry about anything right now, I promise everything will be okay *he whispered into your ear and hugged you again. About ten minutes passed and the doctors finally game back in*
Doctor J: Welcome back Ms y/n *he felt more then lost and confused, not knowing what to say.*
Y/n: W-What happened to my baby?
*you wiped your tears as Grayson gently squeezed you again. The doctor gently sighed and said*
Doctor J: Y/n...The bullet caused you to have a miss carriage. Your baby never made it *he gently went into a gaze and just stared at the wall. You couldn't feel the tears streaming down your cheeks, due to you being used to the feeling. As you cried heavier Grayson gently reached down and kissed you on the forehead once again*
Y/n: I-I'm so S-Sorry *you barely got out as you cried into his chest*
Grayson: It's okay... *grayson let out a low sigh and pulled you closer*
Blake: When can she be discharged?
Doctor J: She's today when ever she's ready
Grayson: Come on...everyone misses you so much back at home *he quietly said to you*
Y/n: Is bailey Okay?
Grayson: Mhm *he gently smiled and wiped your tears with his thumb*
Y/n: Okay...*Grayson And Blake put their hands on your back to support you as you sat up and put your legs over the bed.*
Doctor J: Your body is going to be weak, so I advise you all help her.
*you nodded and lightly sobbed. Grayson came around and him and Ethan both got on a side of you, ready to be there if you fell. You gently shifted all of your weight onto your feet and slowly stood up. Interlocking one of your hands with Grayson for support as his other arm wrapped around your waist.*
Doctor J: Take it easy for the next week, okay?
*you nodded and started to walk out with everyone have to admit. After not walking for the past couple of months, it was a challenge.*
Grayson: You okay?
Y/n: Y-Yeah *you guys finally made it to both of the cars. Ethan drove you and Grayson back while Blake drove Charles Maggie and chase in the other. As soon as you entered the warehouse a bunch of eyes shot over towards you. Gasp were heard throughout it as baileys scream filled the air*
Bailey: Y/N! *she ran up to you and immediately hugged your legs. You laughed as Grayson helped you kneel down so you could hug her*
Y/n: I missed you so much *you said, bringing her closer to you and into a hug*
Dustin: Oh my god...I didn't think I would ever see you again *he said walking over to you and proceeding to hug you*
Y/n: I-I wanna talk
Grayson: We will need a lot of rest right now
*he looked at you as you finished hugging everyone else and eventually made it to your guys room*
Y/n: God I missed sleeping here with you *you quietly said as you laid down in Graysons arms*
Grayson: I missed you so so much *he wrapped the blanket around the two of you and put on a Netflix show and gently rubbed your back while kissing your forehead ever so often as time went on.*
Grayson: I love you y/n *he whispered into your ear, expecting you to be a sleep*
Y/n: I love you so much Grayson *you said as you eventually drifted into your deep sleep. Finally at ease, in Graysons warm chest. Things might get....better*

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