Part 48

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Y/n: So... that happened *you looked at his dark eyes and gave him a slight smile. He moved a piece of hair behind your ear and said*
Grayson: You're such a strong women y/n
Y/n: Yeah... let's just ignore the fact that I tried quitting earlier *you lightly laughed*
Grayson: I can't blame you... you have literally been through hell
Y/n: So have you Grayson *you laughed again*
Grayson: I don't think I would be here if it wasn't for you
Y/n: How so? You're the one that kept me alive 99% of the time-
Grayson: Emotionally y/n... I would have died without your support
Y/n: I doubt that *you smiled at him as you were close to his face. You put your hand on his jawline and lightly rubbed your thumb on his cheek.*
Grayson: I love you *he whispered to you*
Y/n: I love you too... I always have
*you reached forward and kissed his soft lips*
Y/n: Wow, for the first time we aren't apologizing for kissing each other
Grayson: Way to ruin the moment
*you both laughed as he said that... in this moment you had no worries. You weren't sad or upset or scared about the enemies on your guys' back. Grayson truly took all of that away... you loved him, with your whole heart and for all this time you didn't realize until now. But of course, things don't stay perfect...*
Y/n: Bailey!
Grayson: What?
Y/n: No! Bailey doesn't know you're back! Oh my God, come on! *you got off of Grayson's lap and grabbed his hand... as you guys entered the main room everyone looked at you two*
Leo: Gray... you okay?
*he let go of your hand*
Grayson: I'm fine
Y/n: Let me go get Bailey from Maggie
*you walked into another room and saw tears in her eyes*
Maggie: Shh sweetheart I'm sure Grayson is okay
Y/n: Maggie... *Bailey's eyes shot up to yours*
Bailey: Y/n! *she ran up to you*
Y/n: Hi sweetie *you picked her up*
Maggie: Shes really upset...
Y/n: You okay Bailey?
*she nodded as she held onto your neck*
Maggie: She said she was worried about you and Grayson...
*a smile appeared on your face as she mentioned Gray's name. You turned around walked out of the room. You put Bailey down and she immediately saw Grayson*
Bailey: Grayson! *she ran up to him with a big smile*
Grayson: Hi Bailey *he picked her up and held onto her tightly*
Bailey: Are you okay? *she said looking at him*
Grayson: I'm good... I missed you *he said as he hugged her tighter, which brought another smile across her face... you couldn't help but also smile... you loved how nice Grayson was with kids. It made you think about Ava and how upset she must be feeling right now...*
Y/n: Gray are we able to talk for a second?
Grayson: Sure? *he set Bailey down and walked into a room with you*
Grayson: What's up?
*you sighed and looked down*
Grayson: You okay-
Y/n: Will I ever get to see Ava again?
*he looked down before answering you...*
Grayson: You might get to... but I most likely will not...
Y/n: Gray she loves the both of us so, SO much... I can just imagine how hurt she is right now... *A tear fell from your eyes as you said that. Grayson sighed and brought you into a hug*
Grayson: If you ever get to see Ava again, please y/n ... please let her know how much I love her... okay?
Y/n: Of course... *you wiped your tears and let go of him*
Y/n: I'm sorry... I just miss her so much
Grayson: I miss her too... Bailey reminds me a lot of her
Y/n: Yeah... what are we gonna do with her?
Grayson: I'm not sure... but for now I guess we will have to keep her here...
Y/n: Do you think Calvin knows we're back?
Grayson: Let's not worry about him right now... I want to have a moment with all of us, and not worrying about who's gonna die next or what's gonna happen to us... okay?
Y/n: What do you mean?
Grayson: We're having a movie night *you looked down at the absence of Ava being there...*
Grayson: I know it will be different without her y/n but I think we deserve one calm night...
Y/n: Okay... Bailey will enjoy this
Grayson: How's your leg by the way?
Y/n: I've been able to use it so...? Better I guess?
Grayson: I thought it was broken?
Y/n: I'm not sure? I might have sprained it
Grayson: Hm *he grabbed your hand and walked back out. Everyone was laying on the couches on their phones.*
Grayson: We're having an old fashioned movie night
*he said sitting down on the couch*
Charles: Uh What?
Grayson: Don't speak of any gang stuff right now... let's just relax for once
Chase: Um okay?
Grayson: Y/n come here
*you laid down next to him as he hugged you from behind. Bailey was next to Maggie on another couch as you all watched the movie. After an hour passed everyone besides you and Grayson fell asleep. You put your hands on his that were wrapped around your waist*
Grayson: I love you *he mumbled into your ear as he gave your body a light squeeze*
Y/n: I love you too Grayson
*he gently kissed your cheek and peacefully fell asleep with you in his arms. About 10 minutes passed and you were about to fall asleep until you heard a knock on a window and saw something black pass it*

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