Chapter 45

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Y/n: Ready bailey?
*She shook her head. You could tell she was beyond nervous.*
Y/n: Okay...let's go *You let out a huge sigh as you finally got out and grabbed baileys hand. Walking up to the entrance of the building and typing in the passcode. You proceeded to slowly open the door, making all eyes shoot over towards your direction.*
Charles: Y/N!
*He immediately came over and pulled you into a huge hug. Tears started to form while being in his embrace. You missed everyone and the fact that Grayson was taken away, was like a stab to the heart.*
Maggie: I'm so glad you're safe
*You pulled away from Charles and hugged her. More tears fell from your face as you proceeded to hug ethan afterwards. You couldn't control your feelings as you broke down in his arms.
Ethan: Y/n where's Grayson? *He quietly spoke into your ear as he held you tighter.*
Y/n: H-He got arrested *Your voice became shaky as you spoke.*
Ethan: he what?!
Y/n: we can't talk here...not when baileys around
Ethan: Who's bailey?
*She stayed hidden behind the door as you looked over towards her.*
Y/n: Sweetie come here please *You wiped your tears as she slowly walked over towards you. Everyone had the same shocked expression. Some judging, some worried, some confused.*
Charles: You brought a kid back? *He whispered down to you.*
Y/n: Bailey it's okay...come here *She looked up to him as you picked her up.*
Ethan: Gray has the same middle name...
Y/n: She knows. That's one of the only ways I got her to trust him
Ethan: Hey bailey *His voice was soft as she held onto you tightly.*
Y/n: Wanna know who this is? *You fixated your gaze back on her while plastering a small smile on your face.*
Bailey: W-Who?
Y/n: This is Ethan...He's grayson twin brother
*Her eyes lit up as she looked at him.*
Bailey: You're Grayson brother? *Her voice was quiet.*
Ethan: Yeah *He smiled at her.*
Bailey: I-Is he gonna be okay?
Y/n: I'm not sure...
Maggie: Can I meet bailey?
Y/n: Of course. Bailey this is my good friend Maggie
*You set her down and placed your hand on her back as Maggie crouched down in front of her. Giving the sweetest smile.*
Maggie: Hey Sweetie
*Bailey gave a small smile in return. You could tell they were gonna hit it off. Maggie was always so open and sweet to everyone you knew.*
Maggie: Why don't we go and do something fun together? All this business talk would be SO boring right? *Maggie playfully rolled her eyes and let out a small laugh. Baileys smile widened as she shook her head. Maggie stood up and stuck out her hand for bailey to grab. As they walked away away you mouthed "Thank you" to her.*
Charles: So what the fuck happened?
*He said gesturing to your bruised body.*
Y/n: Too much. *You sat down on the couch and rubbed your forehead with your palms.*
Y/n: Wait where's Zack?
*The room got silent. Everyone either looked down or let out a low sigh.*
Y/n: W-Wait where is he? *You stood up. Facing Charles.*
Charles: He died from the explosion...
*Your jaw dropped to the floor as tears flooded your eyes.*
Y/n: He's gone?!
*Everyone nodded. You sat back down and put  your head in your hands. So many emotions rushed over you as Ethan came over and down next to you.*
Y/n: I can't deal with this
Ethan: I know...*He placed his hand on your shoulder. You quickly stood up in denial, grabbing your keys.*
Y/n: I want out
Ethan: Y/n
Y/n: I'm serious Ethan! I'm tired of all of this!
*You ran your hand through your hair as he grabbed your arm.
Ethan: You cant leave y/n
*You screamed as tears flew down your face. No one knew what to say...Ethan quickly pulled you into a hug and held onto you. He let out deep sigh as you cried onto his shoulder.*
Ethan: Y/n I know this is hard...but you will get killed if you give up now. I promise we will get Grayson back but I need you to stay strong. We'll get through this *He pulled back and brought his hands up to your face. Wiping the tears away...Charles came over and pulled you into another hug. So much stress was piled on top of you as you all sat down. Where you began to explain what happened.
Y/n: I-I remember Grayson grabbing my hand as we ran into the forest...we kept going and going until the pain was too much. We decided that was going to be our sleeping grounds for the night. Unfortunately a couple hours later we had to keep moving because he seen flashlights in the distance. We ran further into the woods until I realized my whole leg was swollen and completely purple. I either sprained it extremely bad or broke it in the explosion...I pushed through the pain while we kept running so we could find somewhere to rest once again. Grayson insisted that I laid against him to rest my leg on his for "circulation". Of course I put up a fight because one of his ribs was fucked up. He forced me to listen to him but the night didn't get any easier. About a hour later I could tell how much pain he was in so I moved. We both stood up in pain after some arguing back and fourth. This was when a metal rod was put around Graysons neck. We had no clue who this person was but thankfully I brought a knife from the building and stabbed the guy in the leg. So, he let go and got all pissed and slammed me to the ground. Nearly ending my life in that moment. Luckily Grayson was able to kill him and afterwards we continued to move. We eventually found a side road with a parked car. Grayson somehow managed to Hotwire it and steal it. We went to a gun shop and to make a long story short, he stole it. Afterwards we proceeded to go to Seattle-
Charles: Seattle!?
Ethan: Charles shut up, you don't know if they went to him
Y/n: Well went to this apartment building where this guy named casper answered-
Charles: FUCKING CASPER! Did he touch you?!
Y/n: N-No why?
Ethan: Casper is Charles brother and he used to work for Grayson...but he started doing fucked up things to kids and molesting women, so gray and dan kicked him off.
Y/n: Is that why Grayson was so worried about me meeting him?
Charles: Yeah *He rubbed his forehead and crossed his arms.*
Y/n: That would explain a lot...anyways we got something from his place and that's when I heard this crying coming from a room. I was worried so I opened the door and seen this girl tied up with bruises on her arms...Bailey was immediately scared of me. *Everyone was shocked. A few letting out a couple gasps.*
Charles: He had her?
*You nodded and looked down.*
Y/n: I explained to her that I wasn't going to hurt her and would get her out of there. But then Casper got all pissed off at me for being in there. Luckily Grayson came in soon enough and stopped him from doing anything...So we took her with us and stayed in a hotel for the night. But of course some old gang members came the next day and caused problems and almost got Grayson arrested-
Dan: Wait what was their names?
Y/n: I only heard one and I think it was drew...?
Dan: Drew?
Y/n: Yeah
Dan: God I haven't heard about him and his gang in a long ass time
Y/n: So then they chased after us and almost put a bullet through all of our heads. And then once we got lost that's when you called, dan, and told us to come back...and of course that wasn't a easy task because the fucking plane came SO close to crashing. All the safety gear was dispensed and every imaginable siren was going off. *You laughed and let out a huge sigh.* obviously the hell doesn't stop there...Grayson decided to try and get ice for my leg because it was still swollen, so we stopped in a gas station parking lot. But he ended up seeing another gang member named Ben
Ethan: He's part of-
Y/n: Calvin's gang. I know...that's why Grayson was speeding to get out of there and a fucking cop pulled us over. So, Gray gave false info and got arrested...That's the sum of this fucked up story. *You sighed and leaned back.*
Ethan: Oh my god.
Dan: Well the good thing is that you guys were able to stick together
Y/n: I would never leave him and it's not like I really had another choice. I would have been dead a long time ago if it wasn't for him.
And now he's gone. *You rubbed your face and let out a groan.*
Ethan: Do you know what prison he went to?
Y/n: No clue
Officer: Grayson we notified your mom and    y/n's parents. They will be here shortly. But You will be spending 3 months in jail for the reckless driving.
Grayson: Fine
Officer: Stay in here while I go get them
*Grayson sighed as he moved his hands from the uncomfortable handcuffs.*
Lisa: GRAYSON! *She screamed as she entered the room with your parents.*
Lisa: Say something! Where were you?! What happened!?
Your mom: Where's y/n!?
Grayson: Can you get me out of here?
Lisa: You're never leaving my sight ever again. And this is the safest place for you right now. Where the hell did you go?!
*She was frustrated from his response.*
Dad: Do you know where my daughter is?!
Grayson: No
Mom: NO? You were the last person with her!
Dad: Sweetie calm down-
Mom: No! Where the fuck is she!?
Grayson: I'm sorry but I don't know *He looked her in the eyes with the blankest expression.*
Lisa: Why were you speeding? Where were you going?
*Grayson didn't answer...*
Lisa: Grayson! Answer me! Where is ethan? Do you know anything?!
Grayson: No, I passed out and ended up here
Lisa: Passed out from what?!
Grayson: From being stressed in the cop car...I've never been arrested mom. *big lie*
And I don't remember what happened before any of that. I'm sorry *Once again, another lie*
*Lisa sighed and came over, pulling him into a hug.*
Lisa: It's gonna be okay sweetie...We'll figure this out
*Grayson stayed silent. Pondering all the different strategies to escape.*
Officer: Okay...thank you three for coming
*They all walked out and left.*
Officers: I'll bring you to your cell
*He closed the cell door and walked off.*
Ethan: I have a feeling he's at Superior Grant prison
Y/n: How would you know?
Ethan: I just have a feeling
Dan: Some if you will go there tonight with Leo. Get Grayson out and leave immediately okay?
Y/n: I'm going
Charles: No-
Y/n: Don't tell me fucking no Charles! After everything we've been through, I'm going with.
Dan: Fine. Just be careful and wear all black okay?
Y/n: Yeah
Dan: Who's here? *He walked over and opened the door.*
Casper: Miss me?
Charles: CASPER?!

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