Chapter 23

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*Grayson looked back and seen Calvin running down the stairs....frustration filled his veins as he said*
Grayson: YOU FUCKING COWARD *He quickly looked back, off the edge....he counted to three as he took a deep breath and jumped off the roof and onto the fire escape a few floors down. Proceeding to then jump into the river stream...He gasped for air as he came to the top and looked for you...*
Grayson: Y/N?! *His scream yelled across the water as he looked down to see your Body....he quickly dove under and grabbed you. He got you to the surface and put you on the ground. He straddled over your unconscious body on his knees as water fell from him onto you*
Grayson: No No No! *He put his hands on your chest and pumped three times...There was nothing. Without thinking he plugged your nose, tilted your head back and tried giving you air. After 4 tries there was nothing*
Grayson: Come on y/n! *Tears fell from his face as he kept trying...after a couple more try's you started to cough up water*
Grayson: Oh my god *He said out of breath and sighed with relief*
*Your eyes were still closed as you kept coughing...a few minutes later you opened your eyes to see Grayson getting off you*
Y/n: G-Gray *You said between coughs as he helped you up*
Grayson: Come on *He said quickly as he wrapped his arm around your hip to help you walk...he looked over to you with complete fear as you leaned on him for support. Shortly after you guys got back to the facility*
Charles: EVERY FUCKING THING IS GONE! *He screamed as he walked around
Zack: WOAH are you guys okay?! *He said drawing attention to you and Grayson*
Grayson: I'm fine, but someone needs to get y/n to safety
Charles: What the fuck happened? You're both soaked!
Grayson: We'll talk later, just fucking take y/n back to Noah's ware house
Charles: O-Okay... also there's one guy left for you *He said pointing over to the side of the wall*
*Grayson chucked as he let go of you and grabbed a gun, loaded it and walked up to the guy*
Random guy in Calvin's gang: Ahah *He lightly laughed and looked up to Grayson*
*Grayson put the gun right between his eyes and shot, out of pure frustration. You closed your eyes as you watched blood go everywhere*
Charles: Come here y/n *He said grabbed your arm, bringing you in the car.
*It was silent until he spoke up*
Charles: You Okay? *He slightly looked over to you*
Y/n: Not really...I've never exactly been pushed off of a 2 story building before
Charles: WHAT?! How are you alive?!
Y/n: Can we please just talk about it when we get back?
Charles: Yeah of course
~You Guys got back~
Noah: You Guys Are home early...oh its just you two
Charles: Yeah...something happened to y/n
Noah: Oh my god, why are you soaked? *he said to you*
Charles: why don't we go sit down and talk on the couch
Noah: So...?
*You gulped and said*
Y/n: I got pushed off of the building *You kept
Looking down at your just wanted to be in Graysons arms*
Noah: What?! That building you guys went to was like a couple story's high?!
Y/n: I know...Everyone started fighting and I didn't have a weapon so I ran up the stairs and of course, Calvin followed me. Right before he was about to shoot or push me, Grayson screamed for me to duck and I did..but still got pushed off.
Charles: Then What?
Y/n: I-I don't know...I remember falling- *You stopped as tears fell from your face...Charles brought you into a hug and said*
Charles: You don't have to say it unless you want too...
Y/n: I just remember having my whole life flash in front of me and thinking that was thing I know I passed out as I hit the water. Then I woke up seeing Grayson over me dripping wet
Charles: Oh my god
Noah: Y/n I'm so sorry *He said softly as you sniffled*
Y/n: When's Grayson getting back? *You slightly sat up from hugging Charles*
Charles: I honestly don't know
Noah: Try getting some rest...we will be quiet
Y/n: Can I change into something dry first?
Noah: Of course...I think Maggie left some clothes here. Check room two
Y/n: Okay thanks
*He smiled at you as you went into the room and put on a white spaghetti strapped crop top and gray sweatpants...after, you went back out and fell asleep on the comfy couch*
~a hour later~
*The door slammed open and you jerked up from your sleep*
Grayson: Fuck, I'm sorry y/n
Y/n: I-Its fine
Noah: What happened?
Grayson: I informed leo and crum and their dealing with the stocking situation as far as everything else that was's coming out of my pocket
Charles: Calvin keeps one upping us
Grayson: I fucking know that Charles
Zack: We have a flight tomorrow morning and once we get back we can figure this out *He groaned and walked away*
Noah: Is he hurt?
Grayson: I think just bruised, we killed around 10 of Calvin's people
Noah: Good
Grayson: I'm gonna go change
*Everyone else went in their rooms and you went to wash you were drying your hands you felt a familiar touch around your waist*
Y/n: Gray? *You turned around to meet his worried face*
Y/n: Are you okay? *You softly said, looking him in the eyes*
Grayson: I think I should be the one asking that *You both lightly laughed as he brought you into a long could feel his tears fall onto your neck*
Y/n: Gray...
Grayson: I almost lost you today y/n *He pulled away, but still had his arms around you*
Y/n: I'm still here...thanks to you *You lightly laughed as tears fell from the both of you*
Grayson: I'm so fucking sorry that I wasn't there for you and Ava those past years. I'm sorry I was a terrible friend. I don't deserve you y/n
Y/n: Grayson, I understand why you couldn't be with me and Ava and at the time when you came over I was filled with anger and confusion. But now I don't kick your self in the ass everyday over it.
*His grip tightened as you put your hand on his face and wiped his tears*

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