Part 67

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It felt like a ton of brick got thrown at your body as you slowly stood up, quickly looking around...forgetting about the blood and wounds, you went over to the old barn door, pulling on it over and over again. It finally opened revealing fields that went on for miles. You limped around the side of it and found the small side road you came on.
Y/n: Shit shit shit
*you looked around to only see tall grass, dirt, and a bunch of overgrown weeds...your only transportation was your feet.*
Ben: YOU FIND THIS FUNNY? *his arm wrapped around your waist as his other hand covered your mouth. You screamed and tried kicking him over and over again....he laughed and put both of your wrists in handcuffs, bringing you to his car.
Y/n: NO NO NO! PLEASE BEN *you kicked as he shoved you into the back of the car and proceeded to drive away*
Ben: KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT. Calvin's gonna have some fun with you, when he find out what you did *he laughed and focused on the road...tears fell from your eyes as he sped down the path and eventually reaching a huge building...Ben came around and roughly pulled you out, and into one of Calvin's soon as you walked in your eyes met with Calvin's and ten other people who seemed to be having a meeting in the open room...before Ben could speak you tried squirming out of his strong arms...unfortunately nothing happened.
Calvin: Ben? *he slowly walked over to you guys*
Ben: Wanna know what she did? *he snickered in your ear as you kept trying to get away from his grips*
Calvin: Hm?
Ben: I found her outside of the barn
*he stepped closer, placing his fingers under your chin and lifting your head, Making eye contact with his squinted face*
Calvin: Is that true sweetheart?
Y/n: No *your teeth gritted as you spoke...Ben made a cut on your leg making you yelp out in this point your white shorts and white tank top were red...*
Ben: Lie again and I'll kill you-
Calvin: No no, leave that to me. *he looked back at you* I'll ask again, is that true?
Y/n: NO
Ben: You really want me-
Calvin: Give her to me *Calvin pulled you from Ben and down a hallway filled with window and into a room*
Calvin: It's a beautiful place isn't it? *your eyes squinted at him as he locked the door...expecting to be pushed or yelled at*
Calvin: Have a seat dear
*your face slightly softened as you got extremely confused*
Calvin: Go ahead *he point to a chair on the other side of the small room as he took a sip of his coffee*
*you gently sat down and hissed at the pain the flooded your body*
Calvin: One last time y/n, I have cameras there and can check so I advise you don't lie. Is it true, that you escaped?
*you waited a few seconds before swallowing the lump in your throat and quietly saying*
Y/n: I-I'm sorry
Calvin: What was that dear?
Y/n: Yes
*you looked down as he got up and grabbed your arm...not hard, but to just get a grip...he placed you on the bed/table laying you back, and turing around to grab Cotten pads and wipes. Confusing filled you as he wetted one of the pads with a liquid and pressed it to your fresh cut...he cleaned some of the blood up and put a strap over your arms and legs, laying you fully back. Once again, you became terrified as he got close to your face and said*
Calvin: Don't you DARE think I went soft on you. I just had to slow the process of your death. Now you will wait here for the night and tomorrow the abuse can resume. Have fun
*he laughed and walked out leaving you strapped to the chair*
(Time: 9:08 pm)
Y/n: UGHHH *you kept getting frustrated as you stayed glued to the bed*
Calvin: Aww that's cute
*you looked up to him*
Y/n: Calvin!
Calvin: Yes?
Y/n: Can I PLEASE have water or something!
Calvin: Of course not *he laughed and walked in, shutting the door*
Calvin: You should be happy that Ben doesn't work tomorrow, other wise I would let him hurt you more
*you threw your head back and sighed*
Calvin: Let me ask you a couple questions while I'm here
*you turned your frustrated face towards him*
Calvin: Why did you join Graysons gang? More importantly how did you find it?
Y/n: Why are you enemies with Grayson? Why do you care about killing me so much?
*he smacked your face*
Calvin: I ask the questions
Y/n: Why does Ben call me a slut and a hoe and you call me sweet heart and dear? *you fired back*
*he healed a knife to your throat and said*
Calvin: Answer NOW
Y/n: Because I wanted to
Calvin: you're funny *he laughed to himself*
Y/n: I found him beating up someone and then I joined on my own
Calvin: You're leaving out details dear
Y/n: Fuck off
*he laughed again and walked out of the room, locking it behind him...the night passed and it was around 10 am, when you finally woke up from the beaming light flowing through the door, from Calvin opening it*
Calvin: Good morning y/n
*he smugly said, as he came over and un did the straps, pulling you out of the room.*
Calvin: Sit here *he tied you to a chair in the middle of the room*
Blake: Wait what about Calvin's facility a couple hours from here on like crystal road?
Grayson: I don't know...
Asher: It's worth a try
Grayson: Does anyone know how to hack into cameras?
Dan: I do but it might takes hours...or days. It really depends
Grayson: Well try!
Dan: I think you forget that I'm your boss sometimes
Grayson: dan!
Dan: I'll do it grayson, just give me time
*he went to a desktop in a meeting room and began to look into Calvin's software*
Y/n: W-What's going on?
Jack: This *he cut your left arm, making you scream*
Jack: You haven't had enough pain lately. *he grabbed your neck and pulled it back.*
*tears fell from your eyes as he laughed and cut your neck again*
Jack: Tomorrow is the day y/n, enjoy this last few hours
*he punched your face, nocking you out...*
(Time: 7:34 pm)
Grayson: Anything?
Dan: No...but I think I'm getting closer
Y/n: Ugh... *you quietly said as you moved your head up to see the sun setting. Your body became numb to the feeling of pain as the hours went was now 1 am and the only sound that could be heard was your light sobs...*
(Time: 3 Am)
Grayson: W-What?! *dan ran out and into the main room, where him, Blake, and Charles were sleeping*
Blake: What's going on?
Dan: I got in his cameras
*they all quickly sprung up and over to the computer room*
Dan:'s all dark, and the cameras shuts off right before dawn
Grayson: What the hell!
Dan: they automatically turn back on at 7 pm
Grayson: That's bullshit!
Dan: I guess we will have to wait till then...
Grayson: Oh my fucking god
*the night passed and it was eventually the next day...your breathing increased as you seen a few people come and go...and then it was around 6:30 pm when Calvin and 10 other people came in...
Calvin: You truly are loyal to Grayson and his fucked up gang huh?
*Calvin walked in front of you*
Y/n: Fuck all of you
*ben came up behind you and made a deep cut on your lower back*
Calvin: Keep your mouth shut. Anyways, let the real fun begin. *Someone punched you in the arm as another one left a stinging slap on your face...cuts, and bruises were the only thing shown on your skin as your teary eyes looked up to Calvin...your eyes widened as he pulled out a gun and put it right between your eyes*
Calvin: You've been good y/n
Y/n: Please don't hurt her
Calvin: Who sweetheart? *he said smugly*
Y/n: m-my baby
*Calvin's eyes widened as he looked up to everyone else*
Calvin: You're pregnant?
*you nodded*
Calvin: Is it Graysons?
Y/n: Y-Yes
Calvin: Mm, isn't it nice to know that you and your child will be dead in a few minutes and you'll never get to see Grayson EVER again? *he laughed as tears fell from your eyes*
*grayson and a few other people walked in*
Grayson: let me look *he sat down and checked every camera as fast as he could...he was about to give up until the last camera read "main room"...he selected it and finally seen y/n...*
*gasps filled the room as they all seen your bloody body tied to the chair with a bunch of people in the room, including Calvin, who had a gun pointed between your eyes*

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