Part 56

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Blake: He's dead? *He said walking up to grayson*
Grayson: Go look for yourself *grayson was about to walk away until*
Y/n: Is he?
*grayson quickly turned around to look at you*
Grayson: Yes. Casper is dead
Charles: I hated him anyways
*you lightly laughed at his statement and awkwardly stood there*
Grayson: Someone else deal with his body.. *grayson grabbed your hand and walked back into the bedroom you were in.*
Y/n: Thank you...
*you both sat on the bed*
Grayson: Who ever agreed to letting him in, in the first place made a big mistake.
Y/n: I think it was Charles...I mean it was his brother
Grayson: I fucking hated Casper for so SO long.
Y/n: I know *you came over straddled over Grayson lap.*
Grayson: I'm so sorry for what he did
Y/n: Yeah...*you look down as Grayson hands went around your hips*
Grayson: Did he touch you before Blake beat him up?
Y/n: Once *you quietly spoke....Grayson sighed and brought you closer to his chest and hugged you.*
Grayson: Let's get some sleep, you have a busy day tomorrow.
Y/n: What's tomorrow?
Grayson: you'll see
*you both laid down and fell asleep..*
(5:25 Am)
Grayson: Y/n, get up *he lightly shook your arm, making you open your eyes and look up towards him*
Y/n: Mm Grayson what time is it? *you said rubbing your eyes as you sat up*
Grayson: 5:25 am
Y/n: What are you doing?
Grayson: Get dressed and come with me
Y/n: What? *you said confused as he walked out of the room. You got up and got dressed in shorts and tank top and brushed your hair. After, you walked out and noticed Grayson putting a gun in the inside of his pocket*
Y/n: Gray what is going on?
Grayson: Just come on *you both walked out of the warehouse and into his car. You drove for about 20 minutes and got to a small building*
Y/n: I'm so confused
Grayson: You'll see
*you both got out and walked inside. It was cold and empty...Grayson went to turn on the lights and walked over to a table, laying out guns, rope, handcuffs, and other weapons.*
Y/n: Are you gonna kill me?
*grayson laughed and said "No"*
Grayson: I'm teaching you things.
Y/n: Teaching me?
Grayson: Yeah, now come over here
*you walked over and Grayson immediately grabbed your wrist and put them in handcuffs*
Y/n: What the fuck Grayson
Grayson: you weren't quick enough
Y/n: I know how to defend my self gray
*grayson shook the handcuffs behind you making you sigh*
Y/n: Fine *he let you out of them and tried again. He reached forwards for your wrist but instead you reached back and punched him in the arm*
Grayson: Ow!
Y/n: You told me to defend myself gray *you crossed your arms*
Grayson: Alright well let's keep going.
*he won a couple times, making you get better and better with his "techniques".*
Y/n: Graysonnnnn my arms are tired...can we please take a break
Grayson: Fine *you and him leaned against a wall out of breath*
Y/n: Where's Calvin? I haven't seen him in weeks.
Grayson: I have no clue. But it's been nice
Y/n: True
Grayson: Come with me *he grabbed your hand and lead you back to the car*
Y/n: I hate this Grayson...what's going on?
Grayson: Just trust me y/n *he put his hand on your thigh as he started driving. It was about a hour and a half and you FINALLY got there. You were beyond confused as Grayson got out of the car.*
Y/n: Grayson where the hell are we?
Grayson: I said trust me y/n *he reached out for your hand as you proceeded to get out of the car. You took his offer and started walking into a path full of trees and all kinds nature. He walked in front of you in pure awe as you both were hand in hand. As the path went on it got more and more breath taking, seeing different color plants and trees. You walked for another 5 minutes and started hearing rushing you kept walking you eventually got to a HUGE waterfall cliff. Your eyes lit up as you looked over it and into the water below. Graysons looked back at you with the biggest smile on his face as he seen your shocked look.
Y/n: G-Grayson- I'm speechless
Grayson: Remember the time w-
Y/n: We went cliff diving at 12 and swam for hours and went home to very angry parents? Yes of course *you both laughed*
Grayson: We have some good memories
*you laughed again and walked over to him and wrapped both of your arms around his back. He smiled again as he tightly hugged you back.*
Grayson: Who's jumping first?
Y/n: Let's go together
Grayson: Alright *he took off his shirt and walked over to the edge with you.*
Y/n: It's been a while gray *you laughed* what were we? 16?
Grayson: I think *he reached out and interlocked hands with one of yours*
Grayson: 3
Y/n: 2
Grayson: 1
*you both jumped at the same time and falling into the deep water. Both of you came up laughing your asses off. You swam over to Grayson and splashed him right in the face.
Grayson: HEY!
*he laughed again and splashed you back. You guys had your water "fight" for a few minutes until you swam over to Grayson who's back was pressed against rocks behind the waterfall, and wrapped your legs around your waist, with your hands behind his neck. Water drops fell down from pointed features in his face and neck as he watched your face get closer and closer to his. Breathing became uneasy and your lips connected. His hands slid from your upper back down to your hips, gripping them hard.
Y/n: I love you
*you quietly got out between kisses*
Grayson: I love you too
*he said as he lifted you up on the rock platform behind him and hovered over you, deeply staring into your eyes.*
Grayson: is this okay?
*you shook your head, assuring that he could continue....he reached down to your lips and kissed you a couple times before he started making dark marks on your jawline and neck. He immediately found your sweet spot, making you let out a very soft and quiet moan. The waterfall noise almost blocked all of the sound.*
Grayson: You're beautiful *he whispered as he came back up to your ear and and kissed your neck a few other times before making his hand travel down to your hip and lightly putting his fingers under the band of your shorts, that were completely soaked. He looked you in the eyes waiting for a response. You lightly shook your head and were nervous and a bit scared considering that last boyfriend you had was when you were 15. You knew Grayson wouldn't hurt you and that's why you agreed to this...he gently unbuttoned your jean shorts and slid them down your tan shaven legs. He slowly reached down and connected his lips with yours once again, as he put a couple fingers under one side of your lingerie bottoms, slowly pulling them down. Your face got completely red as realized that you and your best friend were about to have sex. His hands went back to your hips and gave them a slight squeeze.
Grayson: Are you sure you're okay with this?
*he asked one more time*
Y/n: Yes Grayson
*he nodded and continued to kiss you...he eventually sat up and undid the strings on his shorts and started pulling them down. You also proceeded to take off your tight top. Grayson looked in your eyes one last time before fully undressing...he reached back down to you and passionately kissed you...his hands gently slid under your back and Un clipped your bra, leaving you both completely naked. 9:43 am you lost your virginity to Grayson bailey Dolan. Your childhood best friend.

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