Part 59

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Maggie: Is she okay?
Grayson: I'll be right back *grayson said getting up and walking out of to doors. He slowly approached the women room and said*
Grayson: Y/n?
Y/n: Y-Yeah?
*grayson walked in and went to the last stall, to see you resting against the wall, wiping your mouth with toilet paper.*
Grayson: Oh my god...are you okay? *he bent down and lightly grabbed your hand*
Y/n: I'm fine...I'm sorry I keep ruining your meetings
Grayson: No're not ruining them...
Y/n: What time is it?
Grayson: 9:02 am...are you okay to come back or do you want me to get you into a resting room?
Y/n: No I'll be much longer does this meeting have?
Grayson: Like 30 minutes
Y/n: Okay...*grayson helped you stand up and over to the sinks to wash your hands...*
Grayson: You look beautiful by the way
Y/n: I just threw up Grayson
Grayson: I don't care, you're still gorgeous
*you laughed and walked back with him...the meeting finished up and you asked if it was possible to ride with Grayson on the way back...someone agreed to switching seats with you and rode on the other plane, while you sat next to Grayson, with your head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around you.
Blake: Hey! I heard what happened *he said walking in front of your seats*
Blake: Are you okay y/n?
Y/n: I think so...I just feel drained and tired
*Blake nodded*
Blake: Well I'll let you rest...I hope you feel better *he said as he slowly walked away*
Grayson: Try getting some sleep on here okay?
Y/n: Mhm *you closed your eyes and fell asleep. You guys got back a little later and into the private soon as you woke up you slowly stood up and grabbed your stomach...*
Grayson: You Okay?
Y/n: Yeah I'm fine...*after, you guys drove back to the warehouse, and it was now 11:40 am. You walked into your guys room and was about to start undressing until the nauseous feeling came on, making you run over to the toilet and throw up.*
Grayson: Y/n....are you okay?! *he said walking into the bathroom.*
Grayson: Oh my gosh...*he squatted behind you and held your hair up with his hands and slowly rubbed your back to try and comfort you...*
Y/n: I'm sorry...this is disgusting
Grayson: Don't be, let me help you...*he gently unzipped your red dress, taking it off of your arms and moving your hair to the side...He then cupped your face and gently kissed your forehead....shortly after you slowly stood up and kicked off your high heels, letting your dress fall down to you thighs. You then stepped out of it as you watched Grayson walk away and came back changed, and with one of his sweatshirts. You laughed and put it on, and shortly after he gently picked you up, making you wrap your legs around his waist, as he set you down on the counter.*
Y/n: What are you doing? *you laughed again*
Grayson: Wiping your makeup off
*he said as he rubbed your face with the makeup wipe*
Y/n: Wait...let me take my lashes off *you said as you pulled them off, letting Grayson continue. Once he finished, he picked you back up the same way, causing you to burry your head in his neck as he laid down with you.*
Grayson: Try sleeping okay?
Y/n: Okay...
*a couple hours passed*
Blake: Do you think she's okay?
Charles: I'm sure she's fine
Cyrus: Did she complain about her stomach hurting when you were with her this morning Maggie?
Maggie: No...not at all
Dan: You Guys are over reacting, she probably just doesn't feel good
Blake: Yeah probably
Asher: Is Grayson with y/n?
Blake: Yeah, I think they're sleeping
Grayson: Guys? *he said walking out of your shared room*
Blake: Hey!
Maggie: Yeah?
Grayson: do we have Advil?
Dan: You can check in the supply room
Maggie: I have some in my *she handed Grayson the bottle*
Asher: Is she okay?
Grayson: She's complaining about a headache, so I'm not sure...thanks Maggie
*she nodded as Grayson walked away and back into your guys room.*
Grayson: Here *he handed you two pills as you slightly sat up and took them*
Y/n: What time is it?
Grayson: Uhh it's 2 pm
Y/n: Ugh...I feel like shit *you said rubbing your forehead*
Grayson: Are you hungry?
Y/n: Yeah *you quietly said*
Grayson: Do you want a salad?
Y/n: Are you calling me fat?
Grayson: What? Of course not
Y/n: Then why did you ask if I wanted a salad? *Your tone of phone pitched*
Grayson: Because you like them..?
Y/n: Can I just be left alone Grayson *you said with tears running down your cheeks*
Grayson: Y/n what's going on *he came over to you, and tried grabbing your hand*
Y/n: Stop it! I want to be left alone! *you screamed at him*
Grayson: O-Okay..? *he slowly got up and walked out to everyone's shocked face*
Blake: That's the first time I've ever seen y/n with a mood swing
Cyrus: Is she on her period?
Maggie: You don't throw up from those
Cyrus: Well I don't know
Grayson: She told me to just leave her thats what I'm doing
Asher: Alright, good luck with your girl *he laughed as he walked away, patting Grayson on the back.*
Grayson: I'm gonna go do some paper work...if you need me I'll be in room 30 okay?
Blake: Alright
*a lot of time passed and it was now the next morning...Graysons arms were wrapped around you as you got interrupted from your deep sleep by a uncomfortable was 10:30 am as you harshly sprung out of his arms and ran over to the toilet...grayson woke up from the immediate movement and seen you throwing up...Causing him to rush over towards you*
Grayson: Y/n...this is the third time...are you okay? *he said as he gently rubbed your back and ran his hand throw his hair*
Y/n: I-I don't know *you flushed the toilet and stood up to wash your hands...completely ignoring Graysons presence. You were about to walk out of the bathroom, but instead got pulled back and into Graysons arms. You softly cried into his shoulder as his grip tightened around your small waist.
Grayson: Shh it's gonna be okay...I'll be here for you okay? *he said as he pulled back and put his hands on your cheeks, wiping the tears, falling down each side of your face*
Y/n: I'm sorry...I'm so so sorry for what happened yesterday
*you said as you looked down*
Grayson: Don't be sorry y/n...come here *he hugged you again and softly kissed the back of your neck...*
Grayson: Promise me you will have someone take you to the doctor?
Y/n: I would have to go to one out of town...and fake my name
Grayson: Then do that...I need to know you're okay. *he said as he tucked a piece of hair behind your ear*
Y/n: I promise...
Grayson: I love you *he softly said to you*
Y/n: I love you too gray *you said as more tears fell from your face.*
Grayson: Come on...lets go back to sleep
*you both laid down in each other's arms and fell back asleep...*
Ben: So...the plan?
Calvin: We scare her to death, then tell her what were gonna do, and she will agree to my plan, because I know that she would never want something to happen to Grayson so that part will be easy. And then the first part is done...and we wait for the second one to unravel
*he said smugly*
Ben: I can't wait for this *he said as he smirked and leaned against the wall*
Ben: How many more days?
Calvin: 5...and I'll have a special guest with us
Ben: And who's that?
Jack: That happens to be me *he smirked and walked in*

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