Part 63

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Grayson: Y/n...
Y/n: What
Grayson: Can we please talk? *he walked over towards you*
Y/n: No...Get away from me *he gave you disappointing look as you passed him and walked over to the bathroom...tears fell from your face as you proceeded to call Calvin*
Calvin: Yes?
Y/n: Please...please please please Calvin...I'm begging you *you cried into the phone*
Calvin: Please what sweetheart?
Y/n: Please don't do this...I'll do anything..I can't keep doing this to Grayson...I can't- *you kept crying*
Calvin: Mm I could just blow all of you up right now? And don't worry, this will be over soon. You won't ever have to worry about seeing him ever again in a few days *he smiled in the just sobbed*
Calvin: I'll see you soon, and in two days you must break up with Grayson around 10 pm. And then come here right after. Understand?
Y/n: Y-Yes *he hung up*
Maggie: Y/n? Can I come in-
*she said opening the door*
Y/n: Maggie! *you quickly wiped your tears*
Maggie: Oh my god...are you okay?
*she rushed over to you, and sat down next to you on the bathtub. She wrapped her arms around your shoulders and rested your head on her chest...she gently rubbed your back and tried comforting you*
Y/n: Maggie can I talk to you?
Maggie: Of course...what's up?
*you got up and threw your phone on the ground, and then grabbed a heavy object and smashed the screen and flushed it down the toilet*
Maggie: I- U-Uh?
Y/n: Don't ask...tonight can you meet me in the woods around 12 am?
Maggie: Uhh Yeah? What's going on?
Y/n: I'll explain later. Please just don't tell Grayson or anyone about this conversation...okay??
Maggie: O-Okay?
Y/n: Thank you...*you walked out leaving her very confused...*
Grayson: Y/n talk to me *he said as you were about to pass him*
Grayson: Y/N! *he gripped your wrist and gently pushed your body against the door.*
Grayson: Stop...please stop *he looked into your took everything in you to not break down. As much as you just wanted to be held in his arms and tell him you were sorry a million times you couldn't. As much as you wanted to hug and kiss him you couldn't. As much as you wanted to explain what was going on and talk to him you fucking couldn't...a tear fell from your eyes as you pulled away from him and exited the building. You left him standing there with tears in his eyes...confused and lost. You then got in your car and drove off...breaking down.
Grayson: I-I don't get it?! Maggie did she tell you anything?
Maggie: N-No...
Grayson: UGH! *he slammed the door closed and walked into your guys room*
*another day passed and you decided to sleep in your car that wasn't the comfiest...and you sure missed sleeping in his arms. You missed his sent, his hugs, his small kisses on your cheek, his warm cuddles, his smile, his laugh, everything about Grayson...this was killing you. As harsh as it is to say...this was worse then anything Calvin had put you through, because no matter what happened Grayson would be there for you. And you were going threw something so scary alone...
Y/n: I hate my so much *you cried to your self and gently rubbed your stomach*
Y/n: I love you...and I love your dad so so much. And I love Ava and my mom and Blake and Charles and Zack and everyone else. I'm so sorry you won't get to see this world with your own eyes, I'm so sorry I never got to meet you. I'm so sorry you have to be stuck with me through this. I'm so fucking sorry. I'm so sorry that I can't stop this...I'm so sorry I had sex with Grayson. I wish you didn't have to die with me...I wish there was another way. I really really do..*you cried even more as you kept talking to your unborn child* you don't deserve this. I want it to all be over...I want to go home. I want to be done. I want to wake up from this nightmare.
*you closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep*
Grayson: Where is she? I need to know she's safe Blake!
Blake: Grayson calm down...I'm sure she's fine...she will come back
Grayson: I don't get why she's acting like this!? I don't get what I did wrong?
Blake: I don't know...I really don't
*hours passed and Grayson accidentally fell asleep out on the couches, waiting for you...*
Y/n: W-What?! *you quickly sat up and realized it was your was 12 am*
Y/n: O-Oh...*you drove for about 5 minutes until you reached the woods behind the warehouse. You then waited till you seen another car was Maggie. You got out and rushed over towards her, she brought you into a hug and tightly held onto you..*
Y/n: Come on...we can't stay here
*you grabbed her hand and brought her into the forest. You walked for about 10 minutes and finally stopped*
Maggie: Y/n What is going on?
Y/n: Do you have your phone on you?
Maggie: Yeah?
Y/n: Can I see it?
Maggie: sure?
*you grabbed her phone and smashed it on the ground...making her jump and yell*
Maggie: What the fuck y/n?!
Y/n: SHH! They're listening
Maggie: W-Who?! *she whispered screamed*
Y/n: Can you keep a secret? And this is a really really big secret that will cost you your life if you tell anyone okay?!
Maggie: Y-Yeah? Tell me what's going on *she said a little louder*
Y/n: A little bit ago I went to the doctor because I was throwing up...I found out I was pregnant. And Graysons the dad-
Maggie: You're pregnant with his child!? *her face was completely shocked*
Y/n: Shh! And when I was about to come home...I got kidnapped. And taken back to a building...Calvin gave me two options. Either he can spare my life and kill everyone else...because he has bombs planted around our building right now...or I sacrifice my self a-and he takes me...
Maggie: Wait WHAT?!
Y/n: Look, I won't be here in a couple of days and he's forcing me to do these things. And this whole week he has been telling me to act like this. But please cannot tell ANYONE.
Maggie: Oh my god...Oh my god y/n...come here *she hugged you again and let you cry into her shoulder...*
Y/n: I love you Maggie...thank you for everything
Maggie: No no can't end like this y/n. It can't *she was now crying*
Y/n: Maggie shh *you looked up to her and wiped your tears* I-its gonna be okay...Calvin will leave you guys's the only option.
Maggie: No! I can't loose you y/n. This can't be the end. please *she was now in a full breakdown...*
Y/n: Im so sorry *you whispered and looked down...*
Y/n: I'm so so sorry
Maggie: I love you y/n...I love you so much *she hugged you again and rested her head on your shoulder...tears fell from both faces as you guys didn't want to say good bye...and this was still had to do much worse to Grayson.
Y/n: Come on...we should get back
Maggie: No...You're not spending your last days with us alone. We're gonna go have fun
Y/n: Maggie we can't...I have missing reports and cops after's too dangerous
Maggie: But-
Y/n: No. No...I hate this just as much as you do...come on *you wiped your tears and walked back to your car*
*you both walked in the warehouse*
Grayson+Blake: Finally!
Grayson: Where were you y/n?!
Y/n: It doesn't matter grayson *you walked passed him and into the kitchen*
Grayson: Y/n I just want to know what I did wrong...please *he practically closed your eyes and held back your emotions as your back was turned to him...*
Y/n: Leave me alone.
*he sighed and walked away with Blake..*
Maggie: God...I see-
*you covered her mouth and showed her a peace of paper that wrote "He's watching"*
Maggie: I see what you mean...this coffee is amazing y/n *she said holding up a bag of Starbucks coffee*
Y/n: Told ya...*you looked down and sobbed..*
*the next day passed pretty was now Monday...August 1st. You took a couple deep breaths to try and calm your nerves as you dreaded what you were about to do...this was it. This was really it. This was the last time you will ever get to see this place. As you fought to hold your tears back you left the bathroom and walked out into the main room, where everyone was seated.
Y/n: G-Grayson can I talk to you?
Grayson: Please! *He jumped up from his seat and walked over towards you*
Y/n: Come on *you grabbed his hand one last time and brought him in your guys room*
Y/n: T-This- *tears fell from your face as you tried speaking....he didn't know what to say, or what to do...*
Y/n: This isn't gonna work. *you held back everything and boldly said didn't dare to look into his eyes...knowing how weak that could make you. His lip quivered as he said...
Grayson: W-What are you talking about? *he said quietly*
Y/n: Im breaking up with you. I got forced into this relationship...and to be honest I never wanted it. A-Also the only reason I joined your Gang was because I heard the pros, about how you had a lot of money. And to be honest grayson, I much rather be at home, forgetting about our friendship! I could care less. I never really cared about you or anyone here! *you fake laughed* And to top the cake, I cheated on you a long time ago. I had a real connection with that person...not you. Sorry things didn't go your way.
*he was speechless at this point...*
Grayson: So everything was a lie and you just used me for money?! *he lightly screamed*
Y/n: Exactly. And, I'm leaving this gang right now. Thanks for everything *you sarcastically said and left the room...he chased after you..*
Grayson: Wait Wait Wait Who did you cheat on me with? Y/n what is going on!?
*you kept walking to the front door with everyone watching*
Grayson: What the fuck!? *you left and got in your couldn't be there felt like a piece of your heart has been tore took everything in you to say that shit to Grayson, and it was all to protect him and everyone there.

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