Part 95

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Mom: Welcome home sweetie
*Your mom and dad walked in the kitchen as you carried bailey in your arms with Ava following along. You froze at the door step. So many memories and voices flooded through your head..*
Mom: I'm so glad you're safe and back at home *Your mom came over and hugged you tightly. Ava ran off up the stairs with bailey while you stood there.*
Mom: We missed you so much
Y/n: I missed you too mom
*You carefully scanned the area and slowly proceeded to walk up your living room staircase. Your hand grazed over the railing like you haven't felt it in years. Everything moved in slow motion as you made your way to your bed room. It was perfectly cleaned. Your bed was made, your desks were organized, there was no sign of any dust in any place of the room. Yet it felt empty. And cold...
"Grayson: Here dork"
"Y/n: Where did you get hot chocolate from? I thought we ran out? *you said laughing*"
"Grayson: It was a mission to find it"
"*You both laughed*"
"*Grayson brought out a huge bag of marshmallows and dumped them in your guys cups.*"
"Y/n: Did we have these?!"
"Grayson: No I bought them"
"Y/n: Oh I was gonna say-"
"*Grayson threw a handful of mini marshmallows at you. Causing the two of you to break out in laughter and have a marshmallow fight back and fourth."
*his laughter rung through your head as you sat on the edge of your bed, staring out the window. A single tear fell from your right eye as your gaze fixated on a picture of you and him. You were in a daisy field with a couple other people...on his back while the both of you had the biggest smiles on your face. you opened the nightstand drawer to find a small box that had all the notes grayson gave you in elementary saying "I love you". You held the note close to your heart as more tears slid down your face. Your mom quietly entered the room and sat down next to you. Your eyes stayed shut as more tears fell from them. she pulled you into a hug and rested your head on her shoulder.*
Y/n: I'm so sorry mom *You struggled to get those words out, as your mom started crying shortly after*
Mom: I love you and your sister more then anything and I was so worried sweetheart *She hugged you tighter, pulling you into her embrace.*
Mom: I'm so sorry that Grayson isn't here with us. I know how much you love him *you stayed quiet and cried heavier. Everything happened so fast and you never thought you would be back, sitting on your own bed in your own house.*
Ava: Y/n? *She quietly said as her and bailey entered the room. You gave her a soft smile as you seen how attached their friendship had gotten in the past few hours...she frowned seeing how upset you were and sat next to you  and proceeded to hug your side. You quietly laughed and held open your arms for bailey as you held both of the girls. Your mom lightly smiled and sat back.*
Mom: I'll let you guys spend some time together *She smiled once again and kissed your forehead*
Y/n: I love you mom
*She paused...almost as if she wasn't expecting to hear those words ever come out of your mouth.*
Mom: I love you so so much y/n
Ava: I promised bailey we would play fashion show when we got home, do you wanna play with us? *She smiled ear to ear waiting for your response in excitement*
Y/n: I would love to play *She squealed and hugged you tighter. You all laughed as you made your way to Ava's room.*
Ava: Okay okay! Y/n you can be the judge and me and bailey can go get dressed up!
*You laughed as you sat down on her desk chair, watching them walk away into her closet. Her room wasn't as clean as yours as you noticed her messy desks and her bed covers all tossed and turned. Your eyes met with the Las Vegas picture fame that looked like it had been shattered into a couple big pieces and super glued back together. But the picture of you Ava Ethan and Grayson still remained untouched in the center..*
Ava: Okay first up is bailey! *She ran out in a small blue sparkly dress and spun around.*
Y/n: I like it! I'll give it a 10/10
Bailey: Ava's turn! *It broke your heart thinking about what bailey had to go through at such a young age. You wondered if she would remember any of this when she was older.*
Ava: What do you think? *She stuck out her arms and spun around a few times*
Y/n: It looks great, I think yellow really suits you
*This game went on for a straight hour. And as much as you tried pushing back the thoughts of all the shit that was going on, you couldn't. You kept your smile and good comments on their outfits, but you worried about Blake and Charles. We're they able to get a apartment? They can't just live on the streets. Is Ethan okay? I mean what kind of question is that? His own brother just died, of course he's not okay. I'm not okay. Did Preston get home safe? Who is he? You barely had any information on him.*
Bailey: Could we watch a movie? *She asked Ava and of course she said yes and got even more excited. You always loved Ava's energy towards others.*
Ava: Y/n wanna join us? *She smiled once again while saving you a spot on her bed.*
Y/n: Sure *You walked over and sat next to her and bailey. Ava let bailey choose the movie while you all watched it. Time flew by and you eventually fell asleep next to them.*
"Grayson: Y/N WATCH OUT!"
*You gasped for air as you sat up in bed from the nightmare. you looked to your side and seen both of the girls sleeping peacefully. Your breathing slowly started calming down and you reached over and checked the time.*
Time: 6:34 pm
*You rubbed your face as you got up and walked down the hall to the closest bathroom. You had a massive headache as you splashed cold water in your face. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath before walking downstairs.*
Mom: we're having the funeral first thing tomorrow?
*you stoped and tried your best to listen to the phone call*
Mom: Alright...I'll see you then lisa. Take care of yourself *She hung up*
Y/n: Whats going on?
Mom: We're having the funeral tomorrow
Y/n: Tomorrow?! How?
Mom: I don't know, we got a call saying that was the plan
Y/n: The plan? Aren't we supposed to schedule when it is? Or Lisa at least?
Mom: Yeah I thought so but they said otherwise
Y/n: But this is so soon...he only died a couple days ago?
Mom: They told us they wanted to get it over with so they could start the interrogations and investigations. Exact's so fucking selfish
Y/n: Get it over with? Are you serious? *You scoffed at the words and sat down in a chair behind the Island.*
Mom: I know...I complained and talked it through with Lisa. We don't have control over it unfortunately.
Y/n: Does everyone else know?
Mom: Like our family?
Y/n: Well yeah but I meant like Ethan and Blake
Mom: I'd hope so...why don't you contact Blake and them
Y/n: I don't have a phone anymore...
Mom: Did you loose it?
Y/n: Something like that... *No you smashed it on the ground when calvin was listening to every word that came out of your mouth.*
Mom: Who's those two other guys?
Y/n: Charles and Preston
Mom: how did you meet them?
Y/n: They were graysons friends. I don't know Preston too well
Mom: And Charles?
Y/n: I love him...he's like a brother to me. I'm closer with him and Blake
Mom: I don't wanna frustrate you with any questions but...where were you during this time? And what the fuck happened to you? *She scanned your arms and neck region with a worried face. You just looked down and rubbed your thumb against the mug of coffee.*
Y/n: I can't talk about it...please let's just go on a different topic. *And for once your mom kept her mouth closed as she reached in the fridge and took out some veggies and began cutting them.*
Mom: Tell me more about bailey, Ava seems to love having her around
Y/n: Yeah she's super sweet...I don't really know what to say besides me and Grayson saved her life
Mom: From what?
*You froze...god you couldn't tell your mom about casper and you for sure couldn't tell her that you found her in Seattle.*
Y/n: From being lost *Really? You mentally slapped your self as the stupid excuse came out.*
Mom: She was lost? Then her parents are probably looking for her y/n, oh my god they must be worried sick-
Y/n: No...her parents aren't like that mom
*She began cooking rice on the stove while she prepared chicken on a tray*
Mom: Can I ask you about something y/n?
*Oh god...she could ask a billion questions, what was she going to say?*
Mom: The police station told us that they found graysons finger prints on a gas can about a month ago shortly after a building burned down. Do you know what happened?
*confusion rolled over you...they found his finger prints?! Your brows scrunched together as you tried putting together a answer. Of course you remember burning Calvin's business building but how did the cops find it? It's in such a remote and closed off area. If they were able to find that place then how the hell did they not find your guys ware house? All of this must have happened when you were in your coma...*
Y/n: No... I don't know anything about that
*Shortly after bailey and Ava came running down stairs as your mom served everyone diner. Tomorrow was the fucking funeral...

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