Part 90

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Ben: Sweet dreams *he smugly laughed*
Grayson: Y/N! *a bomb was thrown on the ground towards your direction as you ran past the pillars. Graysons immediately shoved you as hard as he could, pushing you away from the's exploded right beneath Graysons feet sending him at least 5-10 feet in the air. Smoke bombs were thrown making it hard to breath and see.*
Your guys team: GRAYSON!?
*cop cars and helicopters circled the area coming in with news vans. A few people got shot down on the other team...assuming it was from the swat teams. But after the horrible cloud of smoke cleared you seen something that would haunt you for the rest of your life.*
Y/n: GRAYSON! *Everything suddenly went into slow motion as you screamed in complete terror while you ran into the middle of the field seeing his body laying there completely cold on the concrete. You ignored everyone's loud screaming and commands from the cops while you fell to your knees, picking Graysons head up and resting it on your lap. You gently shook his arm as tears flew down your face trying to wake him up.
Y/n: No no no! GOD DAMNIT GRAYSON! PLEASE *you screamed over and over again...with no sign of him waking cried heavier and gently tried shaking him again. You felt helpless...*
Ethan: Y/N GET BACK *The cops surrounded all of you, taking Blake Charles Ethan and Preston in hand cuffs and aggressively ripped you from Graysons body as you struggled in their arms and tried getting back *
Y/n: NO NO NO get off of me!
Blake: Y/n don't fight them it will only make it worse. *He looked up at you with tears in his eyes as you fully gave up and let them put you in handcuffs. Your tears never stopped as you watched paramedics circle Grayson while the cops walked away with all of you. What frustrated you the most was the fact that jack and Ben and everyone else on their team ran away while they knew we wouldn't leave Grayson. Everyone was placed into their own cop cars full of blood and wounds. Grayson didn't leave your mind once as you all drove back into your hometown and over to the hospital. You've watched enough cop shows to know how this works. Hospital, court, jail. Most of the guys were unloaded on stretchers while you were able to walk considering you only got shot in the shoulder and scraped badly. You squinted your eyes as cameras flashed and people gossiped back and fourth. You knew damn well that they had no business here and were only fishing for drama. As the police informed all the receptionist about the situation they began to take back each of you into the E.R. You tried your best to not look at the childish motherfuckers that we're acting like you were all some big celebrity's with their flashing cameras. But one individual caught you off guard...It was Ava. Your jaw opened as you stumbled in your tracks. You seen tears streaming down her face as she held eye contact with you while the policeman was pushing you along. You lightly sobbed to yourself as you tried to fight the tears back. You haven't seen your little sister for MONTHS and you hated that she had to see you like this. You were put in a wheelchair as soon as you entered the emergency room doors while the doctors pushed you to the operating room.*
Doctor Flenn: We're gonna need you to strip down into your underwear and bra to check for  any other injuries.
*You just sat there with your jaw clenched as tears ran down your face...*
Police: You chose to run away and get yourself into this mess y/n
*You resisted the urge to scream at him and slowly stood up and started getting undressed. The doctors eyes widened as he seen how many scars and past wounds that were healing up.*
Doctor flenn: Oh my...please lay down
*After the doctors cleaned you up a bit they proceeded to get the supplies to remove the bullet in your arm.*
Doctor flenn: This will most likely hurt my dear
*He successfully removed the bullet while u didn't even budge. You've been through way worse and the only pain going through you right now was not being certain if Graysons was pained you so much.*
Doctor flenn: Take her to recovery nurse Jill
*She nodded as the police officer also followed you two out and down the hall and into a room.*
Receptionist: Ma'am calm down. We're unable to let you see her or any of the other patients that just came in due to the policy's
Mom: I don't fucking care about your "policy's"! I haven't seen my daughter for 6 FUCKING months! MONTHS! I need you to let me back there to see her! *Tears fell from her eyes and onto the desk as she tightly held onto Ava's hand...the receptionist sighed and made a phone call.*
Receptionist: Okay I'll let her know. Thank you. *She hung up* okay the police officers of Y/n y/l/n will come out her and check id and let you see her.
*Your mothers face lit up as she nodded and wiped her tears. She kneeled down to Ava and brought her in a tight embrace...You just stared blankly at the ceiling. Tears falling down your face as seconds passed by. You brought your hand up to your neck and grasped the infinity necklace around your was the only thing of Grayson you had left.
Police officer: Hello?
*All you heard we're mumbles.*
Police officer: Fine. One at a time
~He hung up and walked over to the door...~
Ava: Y/N! *your head shifted over towards her voice. Your face lit up as Ava ran in and jumped on your bed and wrapped her arms tightly around you. You did the same and cried heavier. This was the first time you seen your little sister in months. Suddenly all your wounds became painful...your weak side showed as Ava cried heavier and desperately held onto you.*
Y/n: Sweetheart Oh my god *you gently picked her face up and wiped her tears, which was useless because more continued to fall down each of your guys faces.*
Ava: W-Where were you!? I-I could barely survive! *A sharp pain flew to your heart. You never wanted to leave Ava ever again...*
Y/n: I-I'm so so sorry Ava *you whispered as she laid back down and continued to hug you as tightly as she could...*

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