Part 71

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Mom: Wait you're just giving up?!
Police: It's not giving up...we haven't even found markings from them. Night after night we had search dogs, and 20-30 people looking but unfortunately we couldn't find anything.
Mom: So you're telling me that my daughter is dead?
Police: No I'm telling you that we haven't found her. We don't know if she's dead or not...
Mom: Please leave...
*he nodded and left*
Ava: M-Mommy?
Mom: Ava come here *she started crying as her back slid down the door....Ava walked over to her and held onto your guys mom.*
Ava: So they're not looking anymore? *she cried*
Mom: No sweetie *she kept crying...
*grayson sniffled as he held onto your hand in the dim hospital room...he wanted nothing more then for you to wake up.*
Grayson: I love you y/n...
*He looked down and sighed*
Nurse: Good evening *she said walking in*
Grayson: Thanks...
Nurse: In a couple weeks if you want to you can sleep with her
Grayson: In the same Bed?
Nurse: Mhm
Grayson: O-Okay
Blake: Grayson? *he said walking in*
Grayson: Yeah?
Blake: How is she?
Grayson: Same as always
Ethan: It's lonely with out you guys being at the ware house
Grayson: Yeah...
*A few more weeks passed, showing no improvement in you...*
(September 2nd 2019)
Ava: Mommy *she quietly said*
Mom: Yes sweetie?
Ava: I miss Grayson and y/n driving me to school
*she looked down*
Mom: Come on, don't get sad on me Ava *she grabbed her purse and held open the front door for her*
Ava: Mommy
Mom: Yeah?
Ava: Do you think y/n, Grayson and Ethan are still out there?
Mom: Ava let's not talk about that, they're unfortunately gone and there's nothing we can do about it. Let's change the subject please
*Ava stayed silent and looked down at her hands as your guys mom drove to her school*
Mom: Alright, have a great day love
Ava: Thanks mom
*she got out and walked into the building...everyone's eyes shot over to her as a few people laughed and whispered to each other...Ava just kept her head low and walked over to her locker*
Alison: So Ava, I heard your sister is missing? *she laughed*
Ava: It's not funny *she quietly said*
Alison: How so? It's hilarious! *her and her friends laughed again*
Noah: HEY leave Ava alone *him and Sophia walked up to her*
Alison: What are you gonna do? *Alison was in 5th grade while Ava and her friends were in 2nd grade.*
Ava: Just leave me alone Alison
Alison: No bitch *she pushed Ava*
Sophia: HEY
*Ava ran away into the girls bathroom as the loud school bell rung*
Sophia: Ava!
*she chased after her and found her sitting against the bathroom wall with her knees up to her chest and her head in her hands*
Sophia: Ava...
Ava: I want them back Sophia! I'm tired of going to sleep each night waiting and waiting for any hope, or for ONE of them to come back. And on top of everything, I can't even talk about it with my mom!
Sophia: I'm so sorry... *she wrapped her arms around her*
(Back at the ware house)
Ethan: how's the meetings going?
Dan: Slow, But were okay.
Grayson: NURSE
Nurse: yeah?
Grayson: She just moved her finger
Nurse: It's just involuntary movement...she can't control it
Grayson: O-Oh...
Nurse: You can sleep with her tonight
Grayson: Okay, thank you *he slouched down in his chair as she left, letting a huge sigh leave his body*
Maggie: Grayson..? *she walked into the room*
Grayson: Yeah?
Maggie: Hey...
Grayson: Hey
Maggie: You Okay?
Grayson: If your here to try and get me to leave the hospital and get fucking fresh air then you're waisting your time-
Maggie: No no...I'm not Blake, I thought you might want someone to talk too..
Grayson: I'm so tired of crying fucking tired of it *he quietly said*
*Maggie placed her hand on top of Graysons*
Maggie: I know...I lost my dad to lung cancer, and I remember sitting in the hospital night after night hoping he would wake up...and unfortunately he didn't. Every time I looked at him I would cry...and I know how special y/n is to you. It was clear how much you both loved each other...and you both have been through SO much in these pass months...but I strongly believe in her...I've never met a tougher person then y/n.
Grayson: I'm sorry...*he said as he wiped his tears*
Maggie: For?
Grayson: Your dad and being a asshole
Maggie: Gray it's happened 6 years ago. And I completely understand, this isn't easy.
Grayson: I just...I just want her to wake up so badly. If I could go back and replace her with myself, and take all the damage she had, I would in a heartbeat. And it was all to protect you and me and everyone else. *he sat back and sighed*
Maggie: I have should too gray
Grayson: I's just hard
Maggie: Come here *she stood up signaling for him to get up. Once he did, she brought him into a long hug...*
Maggie: Don't hide your's okay
*he gently pulled away and sat back down*
Grayson: thank you...
Maggie: Of course...I'll be back in a couple days okay?
Grayson: Are you still working half way in Jason's gang?
Maggie: Yeah, mainly in the business part.
Grayson: Oh okay
*A couple hours passed and it was around 7pm*
Nurse: Alright, if you would like to you can sleep with her from now on
Grayson: Okay *he gently got in bed next to you*
Nurse: Her cuts and bruises are healed up by now and you aren't gonna be causing any extra pain to her body
*she went over to the computer and Grayson looked down at you with a concerned face as he scanned the scars on your arms and shoulders...he gently wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close to his chest*
Grayson: It feels like she lost a lot of weight?
Nurse: She most likely did, her muscles aren't moving and she's eating and living off a IV
Grayson: Right...
Nurse: Good night *she smiled and left*
Grayson: Oh my god y/n...*tears lightly fell from his face as he lightly rubbed your back and closed his eyes...*
Grayson: I'm so sorry...and I know you most likely can't hear me but please know that I will never forgive my self for not figuring this out sooner. I want nothing more then for you to be healthy. When you joined my gang I made a promise to my self and that was to make sure you were protected 100% of the time and I clearly failed that...I fucking hate my self y/n and I can never apologize enough....I just wish there was more I could do. *tears fell from his face and onto the hospital bed as he held you in his arms. Hours eventually passed with Grayson quietly saying he loves you ever so often.

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