Chapter 42

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Y/n: Grayson she doesn't have a passport
*You whispered to him*
Grayson: Shit
Y/n: What are we gonna do?!
Grayson: We have to get her one..we're gonna miss the flight though *He said pissed off*
Y/n: Bailey we have to go get something okay?
*You reached out for her hand*
Bailey: Okay *She gave you a confused look but followed the two of you*
Y/n: Hey we need to get a passport for her
Worker: Sounds good! That will be 500 dollars
Y/n: 500?!
Worker: Yeah-
Grayson: Okay, put it on a tab
Worker: Name?
Grayson: Dan Leawood
Worker: Okay just put in the card information below
*You stood in complete shock as Grayson typed in dans card info*
Worker: Alright I need some information about her
Grayson: Okay
Worker: Age?
Y/n: Five
Worker: Color eyes and hair
*Bailey was too short to be seen clearly*
Grayson: Blue and blonde
Worker: Name?
Grayson: Bailey
Worker: Last name?
Grayson: Um...*He looked at you and said*
Grayson: Dolan
Worker: Ha...that's funny because apparently there's some kids with missing reports states away with the same last name
Grayson: Oh really? *He raised his eyebrow as he put his phone in his back pocket*
Worker: Yeah. They're stupid for running away. What are they like 5? *He laughed* they probably got in trouble with their mommy *He laughed again*
Grayson: ahah yeah *He laughed a little pissed off*
Grayson: How long will this take?
Worker: About a hour
Grayson: Shit
Worker: Do you guys have a flight?
Grayson: Yeah in 20 minutes
Worker: I'll go as fast as I can
*He walked away*
Y/n: Got in trouble with mommy? *You both laughed. A few minutes passed and your flight was boarding everyone...the guy still wasn't back and the last calls were being announced*
Grayson: Fuck-
Worker: Here! *He ran back and handed you guys baileys passport*
Grayson: Thank you
*You guys quickly walked and got to the boarding station*
Worker: Passports?
*Grayson handed his, yours, and baileys to the flight attendant*
Worker: Have a great flight *She handed them back and you guys got on. You were sat in the middle while the two of them were on each side of you. Grayson by the window and bailey on the other side*
Y/n: You okay bailey?
Bailey: I-I'm scared
Y/n: aww bailey it's, hold onto my hand *She gripped your hand as the plane started taking off*
Grayson: We have got to take the side roads when we get back
Y/n: I know...I don't expect it to be easy
Grayson: Yeah...
Y/n: How long is this flight?
Grayson: 9 hours
Y/n: Ugh *You leaned back and closed your eyes. Bailey still had a grip on your hand but you didn't mind...she truly was another Ava. Sweet, caring, loving and so much more. You wanted to vomit at the thought of Casper hurting her. How could someone do that to children? I guess it's the same concept for adults but..
*It was a few hours later and bailey let go of your hand and fell asleep. The time was 3:40 am*
Y/n: Gray *You softly said as you looked over at him.*
Grayson: Yeah?
Y/n: I love you
Grayson: I love you too y/n *He said with his eyes closed*
Grayson: Are you in pain?
Y/n: I'll be okay...
Grayson: When we get back I'll have someone take you to the doctor. I can't go
Y/N: Neither can I. Remember? Missing reports?
Grayson: Shit yeah I forgot...I'm sorry I just haven't gotten a lot of sleep lately
Y/n: Don't be sorry...and please try to get some rest now. You really need it *You interlocked hands with one of his. He held onto yours and fell asleep a few minutes later. You all fell asleep and it was now 10 am. You had your head rested on Grayson's shoulder, still hand in hand with him as bailey was curled up in a ball sleeping*
Grayson: Y/n? *He softly said to you*
Y/n: yeah? *You opened your eyes and sat up*
Grayson: We fell asleep like this? *He lightly laughed and looked at your hands*
Y/n: Guess so *You laughed and took your hand back*
Y/n: Grayson...
Grayson: Yeah?
Y/n: Do you still have the bracelet?
Grayson: It hasn't come off of me since I was 10 *He rolled up his sleeve and showed you*
Grayson: What about the necklace?
*You pulled it out of your shirt*
Y/n: Damn I wish we could go back to those days
*Grayson nodded and yawned*
Bailey: Y/n... *She quietly said*
Y/n: Yes sweetheart? *You looked over to her
Bailey: How long do we have to stay on the plane?
Y/n: Gray what time is it?
Grayson: 10:13
Y/n: About 2 more hours
Bailey: Okay
*Another hour passed and you heard a lot of rushing around from the pilots rooms*
Y/n: Is everything okay in there?
*You said to Grayson*
Grayson: I'd hope so
*20 more minutes passed and everyone heard a bunch of noises and alarms. You all started to get scared and were wondering what was going on...a red light flashed around the passengers room where everyone was seated*
Bailey was just as scared and held onto your hand once again
Y/n: Grayson what's going on?! *You screamed over the sirens*
Grayson: I-I don't know!
Pilot: attention everyone. I need you all to stay calm. We have malfunctions in the system and might crash *As he said those words you got sick to your stomach, knowing you couldn't do anything about it.* we are doing everything in our power right now but I need everyone to stay cautious and be ready for impact. You'll see right above you that there is air masks to help you breath if you need it. If and when we go down you will need to put your head against the seat in front of you and glue your knees to your seat. *He went off of the intercom...everyone started to panic. You had tears in your eyes as you looked around*
Y/n: What the fuck! Are we gonna die?!
Grayson: I don't know!
Bailey: Whats going on?! *She screamed as loud as she could over the sirens*
Bailey: I don't want to die y/n! I don't want too!
*She has tears streaming down her face as you looked at her*
Y/n: Bailey stay calm, hold onto my hand okay? *You tried staying calm...unfortunately nothing but anxiety filled all of you. You started to cry heavily as Grayson grabbed your other hand and held it tight.*
*10 minutes later*
Pilot: Attention...everyones safety gear is dispensing...we are going down. Please get into your positions right now.
Grayson: I KNOW!
*Everyone was screaming as they sat forwards and rested their heads on the seats in front of them. Bailey cried as you still held hands with her. You guys felt the plane intensely drop down from the height you were at. Every siren you could think of went off. This was were going to die and there was absolutely nothing you could do about it.

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