Part 72

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Mom: Ava Sweetie, why don't you wanna go to school today?
Ava: Because I don't! *she had tears falling from her face as she chased after your guys mom*
Mom: Baby, school is important
Ava: I hate that school! I hate everything about it!
*she turned around and bent down towards Ava*
Mom: I miss y/n and the twins just as much as you do...but you can't skip school over that.
Ava: It's not that-
Mom: Now come on, grab your backpack and meet me in the car
*she walked outside*
Ava: UGH *She ran upstairs grabbing her backpack and packing a few note books inside of it...before she left she slowly walked over to a stuffed animal laying on her bed...
"Grayson: bet you can't win that y/n"
"Y/n: Bet"
"Grayson: AHAH step aside loser, let the strong one do the work"
"Y/n: Oh shut up Grayson"
"Grayson: HA, here ya go Ava"
"Ava: Y/n helped!"
"Y/n: YEAH!"
"Grayson: Mm alright"
"*you guys laughed as you continued to walk around the fair grounds*"
*Ava sobbed while a few tears fell from her eyes...empty ness over took her as she wiped her eyes and packed it in her small backpack, and shortly after rushing downstairs.*
Ava: Mom can I PLEASE stay home?
*she said getting into the car*
Mom: No Ava, you need education
*she drove her to school and dropped her off, then heading back home*
Mom: Avery! It's so nice to talk to you
Avery: You too...did they find y/n?
Mom: No...I'm trying to get over the whole situation because it's not healthy to cry your self to sleep every night...anyways, Ava's 8th birthdays coming up and I was thinking we should get together for her?
Avery: O-Okay...I'll contact everyone
Mom: Thank you
Avery: Of course *she hung up*
*Alison and her friends walked into the bathroom, to see Ava washing her hands by the furthest sink*
Avery: Aww look how PATHETIC she is *They walked over and shoved Ava against the wall*
Ava: L-leave me alone
Alison: Aww the poor girl is scared *Alison signaled something to her friend as she kept holding Ava's arms against the wall*
Ellie: Boo hoo bitch *she dump a gallon of water on Ava's head as all of them walked off, laughing once again...Ava walked out with everyone watching her and over to her locker.*
Kyle: Aww What's this? *he said grabbing Her backpack and dumping everything on the ground*
Alison: AWW she has a stuffed animal!
*Kyle was Alison's older brother in 7th grade...both of them hated your family SO much.*
Kyle: Aww that's cute *he picked it up and was about to rip it*
Ava: NO! STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT! *she screamed making teachers rush out into the hallways...he dropped it on the ground and immediately ran away..Making her lightly cry as she brought the stuffed animal Grayson won for her close to her chest, and quickly picked up her school supplies...*
Teacher: What is going on?!
Alison: My stupid brother was being mean again *she fake smiled and bent down towards Ava*
Ava: What do you want?!
Alison: You and your sister are a piece of trash *she pushed Ava and got up to walk away...Ava walked back into the bathroom and changed into a spare white dress she had stuffed in her small the bell rang everyone got into their classrooms. Instead, Ava ran out the front doors and around the back of the building...shortly finding a path you four must have walked on a billion times...
"Ethan: Grayson don't drop her *he laughed as Grayson ran up the path with Ava on his shoulders*"
*light sobs were heard from Ava as she proceeded to make her way down the long path and eventually reaching the old wooden deck...she gently sat on the edge and pulled out the stuffed animal that was placed in her back pack...*
"Y/n: SWIMMING TIME *You shouted as you pushed Grayson into the water*"
"Grayson: Y/N!"
"Ava: AHAH MY TURN *you Ava and Ethan jumped in*"
"*grayson splashed you and Ava, as loud laughter came from the four of you*"
Teacher: Has anyone seen Ava?
Alison: Nope *she smiled and sat down*
Teacher: Hmm this isn't like her, she's never late
Alison: I'm sure she just went to the bathroom or something
Teacher: Yeah most likely
Ethan: I miss y/n...
Blake: We all do Ethan
Charles: Just imagine how Grayson feels
Ethan: I fucking hate Calvin
Jackson: Blake
Blake: Yeah?
Jackson: What happened to Ron?
Blake: I have no clue...but he won't hurt you, that's for sure
Jackson: Oh also....Me and bailey went on a date! Please don't be mad
Ethan: Wha-
*Blake spit out his water and said*
Blake: You What?
Jackson: Yeah! And we have another one tonight
*Blake whipped his head over towards Charles and Ethan to see the exact same expression from them*
Ethan: Umm *he said trying not to laugh*
Blake: U-Uh Alright...have fun?
*he smiled and walked away, letting Charles and Ethan completely burst out of laughter*
Blake: SHES 4?!
Charles: Bro I got my first date when I was 16
Ethan: Do you think they kiss?
Blake: WHAT?
Charles: Calm down Blake, they're 4 and 8 years old, I doubt they even know what that is
Blake: Alright...I'm trusting you on that *He walked over to the kitchen and threw his water bottle away*
Mom: What do you mean she hasn't come to class?
Teacher: She's not here-
Mom: Oh my god...I-Im gonna call the police
Teacher: Alright...
Mom: Hello?!
911: Nine one one what's your emergency?
Mom: My daughter was at school and her teacher just said that she's not there...PLEASE I need you guys to find her
911: Ma'am, calm down...what school does she go to?
Mom: Lockwood elementary school
911: Okay, we will meet you there
*20 minute later*
Mom: Where is she?!
911: We're gonna look in the-
Ava: Mom?
Mom: Ava! Where were you?!
Ava: Just in the bathroom? Why?
Mom: I-I But-
911: Have a nice day mam
Mom: The school said you were missing?!
Ava: No?
Mom: Ugh lets just go home...
Grayson: Is she getting any better?
Nurse: there's no signs of improvement...
*he sighed and slouched in the chair*
(Times passed and it was now September 7th...Ava's birthday)
*11 am*
Mom: Ava, Sweetie *she whispered as she walked into Ava's darks room, opening the blinds*
Ava: Mm mom it's too early
Mom: I have a surprise down stairs
*she smiled and left*
Ava: W-What? *she slowly got up from her bed and opened the door, walking over to the balcony that faced the living room*
Everyone: SURPRISE!
Mom: Happy birthday!
*Avas eyes scanned the group of 50 people looking for a certain three people that unfortunately weren't there...tears formed In Her eyes as she ran back into her room slamming the door shut*
Oliver: I'll go talk to her *he's yours and Ava's cousin that's 18 years old*
Oliver: Ava?
Ava: LEAVE! *she sobbed and rolled over In her covers*
Oliver: Ava come on, enjoy your party
Ava: No
Oliver: Ava just get over y/n and Grayson and Ethan already-
Ava: I SAID, LEAVE! *she screamed in his face, making him stand up and walk out*

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