Part 79

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Y/n: Yeah...
Charles: are you sure it's safe to get a tattoo right now?
Y/n: Why wouldn't it be?
Grayson: The doctor said to let your body fully rest for a week. Normal things are most likely gonna be harder to do because it's been a while
Y/n: Can I at least shower?
Grayson: Yeah of course
*you nodded and walked away*
Grayson: Y/n?
Y/n: Grayson!
Grayson: What? *he said walking into your guys bathroom*
Y/n: I was about to get undressed
Grayson: The Doctor said you would need someone to be there with you Incase you fall
Y/n: Am I 80 years old?
Grayson: No, but you just got out of a 3 month coma
Y/n: Gray I'm fine
Grayson: Then I'll just stand here
Y/n: No, I seriously don't need help
*he squinted his eyes and walked up to you, grabbing both sides of your hips and staring down in your eyes*
Grayson: What's wrong? You have nothing to hide *his deep voice echoed through your ears as tears fell down your cheeks*
Y/n: I'm fucking ugly
Grayson: Excuse me?
Y/n: I'm so skinny Grayson, I hate how I look
*He took you by your hand and into your guys walk in closest, locking the door behind and taking you to a huge mirror*
Grayson: Take it all off
Y/n: What?
Grayson: take your shirt and pants off
Y/n: W-
*Grayson took off his shirt and began sliding off his shorts. You hesitated before you put both of your hands on the bottom of your shirt and lifted it above your head*
Grayson: Go on *he looked down to your pants as you wiped your tears. As soon as they were off he walked up to you and spun you around, gripping your hips making you both faced the mirror.
Grayson: You are the strongest girl that I know y/n, nothing can change my mind. *he gently ran his hands down your arms and thighs* You may have lost some of your six pack and strength because of your coma but that doesn't mean you are ugly in any way shape or form.
Y/n: I don't feel beautiful Grayson...*you quietly said*
Grayson: You should never doubt your self about that way y/n. I don't care how cheesy this is, but nothing could ever convince me that someone is prettier then you. I'm sorry but it's not possible *you slightly smiled and turned around towards him*
Y/n: Please shut up *he quietly laughed and after a couple seconds you both broke your gaze as he grabbed your hand once again and  led you to the bathroom.*
Grayson: Can I join you?
Y/n: If you want too *you stared at him while he got fully naked*
Grayson: Staring is rude you know?
*you looked away while he walked up to you and laughed*
Grayson: You don't have to be embarrassed y/n *he put his hand on the back of your bra and waited for a gently nodded and slid your underwear off as he pulled you into the warm shower*
Y/n: I thought you said staring was rude?
*he slowly looked up your body not missing one inch. Just as your eyes locked he lick his lip and pushed you against the wall, deeply kissing you. You ran your hands down his back muscles while his gripped each sides of your hips*
Grayson: God I missed you *he said in between kisses while his hands gently traced up and down your back. After a few more minutes his lips traveled down your jawline and onto your neck, signaling with his hands for you to jump. As soon as you did his hands were placed right under your ass as he continued to make dark purple marks on your skin.
Y/n: Mm Grayson...I-I thought we were showering *you barely were able to get out*
Grayson: Shh you deserve this
*you gently let out a quiet moan, that you could barely hear from the shower*
Grayson: Too bad the doctor said you needed to rest for a while
*your face immediately heated up, knowing exactly what he was talking he pulled back you both stared at each other before connecting your lips once again.*
Y/n: I love you gray
Grayson: I love you so much
*you gently smiled as he softly put you down and turned you around, grabbing the shampoo and putting a glob of it in your hair*
Y/n: Gray I can-
Grayson: No no I got it
*you laughed as he rubbed it through your hair and watched it rinse out with the steamy water*
Y/n: Conditioner? *you smiled and turned around, facing him*
Grayson: Of course *you turned once again, letting him finish your hair, and immediately washing your selfs off and drying off, getting changed into your clothes.
Grayson: We all need a vacation
*he said as he brought you into a huge hug*
Y/n: That would be amazing *you muffled into his chest*
Grayson: Pick a place
Y/n: What?
Grayson: Pick a different country to take a vacation too
Y/n: Gray that's too much money-
Grayson: Shh don't worry about the money *he squeezed you a little harder before walking over to the bed with his arm around you*
Y/n: What about Brazil?
Grayson: Hm I've never been
Y/n: there's a first for everything
Grayson: I'll tell everyone tonight
*he smiled and opened his arms*
Y/n: Charles was always right, you're such a softy around me
*you smirked as he squinted his eyes and crossed his arms as he laid down*
Y/n: I'm joking! *you laughed your ass off as he made a pouty face and kept his arms crossed tightly as you tried prying them apart*
Grayson: Nope! You don't get to cuddle with my ever again
Y/n: Grayyyyy
Grayson: No *he squinted his eyes again stayed in the same position*
Y/n: Pwease *you gave him puppy eyes, making him give in and pull you into his chest*
Grayson: That's not the only side though
*he smirked letting out a laugh as you reached up and slapped his arm. After a bit of cuddling you guys both fell asleep for a couple of hours...waking up at 5pm
Y/n: Hey
Grayson: Mmm *he snuggled his head into you  making you gently tilt your neck*
Y/n: Gray stoppp you cant sleep there I'm too ticklish
*he began to lightly laugh as you squirmed trying to get out of his tight grip around your waist*
Y/n: GRAYSON *you screamed from him squeezed your side making you jerk up, leaving him in the same position laughing his ass off.
Y/n: It's not funny! *you crossed your arms trying not to laugh as he grabbed your hand and pulled you back down into his arms*
Y/n: I hate you
Grayson: No you don't *he squished your face with one hand as he hovered over you and kissed your lips. You rolled your eyes and gently laughed.*
Grayson: Did you just roll your eyes?
Y/n: N-No-
*he tried grabbing your wrist as you laughed and ran out of the room, sliding on the wood floors*
*you screamed as he almost grabbed your waist*
Y/n: STOPPP *you ran into the living room where everyone else was seated and threw a couple of pillows at him*
Blake: What's going on? *he laughed as everyone looked up from his phone*
*grayson came up and bent down, throwing you over his shoulder like you weighed nothing*
Grayson: We've discussed this y/n. You don't roll your eyes at me without getting tickled to death *he spun around making you lightly scream as he walked into the kitchen with you casually on shoulder*
Y/n: Grayson put me downnnn
Grayson: No, I haven't punished you yet
*he closed the fridge and walked back over to the couch and threw you down and immediately grabbed both of your wrist with one hand and tickled your stomach*
Y/n: S-STOP AHH *you tried getting out of his grip to make him stop but nothing worked.*
Y/n: B-BL-BLAKE HELP *you laughed loudly as you screamed for help*
Blake: What's in it for me?
*he snickered and went back on his phone*
*he finally stopped and just smirked down to you*
Grayson: I warned you *he shrugged his shoulders and walked over to the kitchen leaving you, wiping your tears and standing up*
Y/n: I hate you ALL *you pointed to every single guy in the room*
Blake: Love you too *he laughed as you chucked a pillow over to him*
Blake: I can easily throw you over my shoulder and do the same thing Grayson just did missy
Y/n: Nah you're too weak
*he stood up making you scream and run away into the kitchen*
Blake: I knew it
*you rolled your eyes and walked over to Grayson who was concentrated on his phone screen*
Y/n: Hey *you laughed...instead of answering he just made a even more frustrated face and quietly said "what" to him self as he texted back*
Y/n: Gray?
Grayson: What the fuck-

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