Part 99

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Y/n: No! No you can't- *You stood up furious as the cops put all three of them in hand cuffs.  Ethan pulled your arm back down so you were once again seated. He stared at the cold floor. Not showing any emotions as tears rolled down your cheeks. Blake gave you one last glance before they were all taken in the back. They were gone. And there was nothing you could do about it.
Judge: We're done here.
Ethan: Come on...let's get going *he stood up and walked ahead of everyone. Ava held tightly onto your hand while bailey followed close by your side. They were equally as confused while all of you made your way back to the cars.
Officer Lee: Y/n and Alice hold up
*He walked out of the building and made his way over towards your family.*
Officer Lee: We will be arranging a meeting in about 15 minutes with Baileys biological dad. Please stay put.
*you sighed and let go of the door handle. Bailey hugged your leg as Ava and your dad got in the car.*
Mom: Does it have to be right now?
Officer Lee: He happened to be in town surprisingly. Please, go ahead *He led the three of you to a side door and into a "friendlier" office. The interior designing was filled with a bunch of accent colors with pure white walls. There was a light stained wooden desk where a lady sat at. In front of it consisted of two black leather chairs with thick cushions*
Officer Lee: Have a seat please
Y/n: I'm fine.
Mom: Y/n
Y/n: I said I'm fine. Bailey can sit down if she wants
*She shook her head and squeezed your hand tighter. Hiding behind your leg. The lady at the desk introduced herself to you guys but everything got blurred out. You were so pissed at everything that just happened. And there was NO way you were gonna loose bailey too.
A few minutes passed and that same security guard walked in. You couldn't quite pin point why he seemed so familiar to you...he gave that same friendly smile while he guarded the door. You squinted your eyes, trying to figure out who he was. But that task seemed impossible.*
*20 minutes past and he walked in. Baileys dad. He had a scruff of a beard, drowsy eyes, ripped clothing and messy brown hair. He was oddly tall and almost looked hung over...Bailey held onto your leg tighter and she buried her face away from him.*
Officer Lee: Richard Parker? *He stuck out his hand.*
Richard: That would be me *He had a disturbing laugh as he shook the officers hand*
Richard: Oh my it's been a while since I've seen you baby girl
*He walked towards you as bailey clung onto your leg for dear life.*
Y/n: Why is scared of you? *you backed up. Creating distance between the two of you. He laughed once again and stuck out his hand for you to shake it.
Richard: I'm sorry, we haven't met. I'm Richard
*Your arms stayed crossed as you narrowed your eyes at him.*
Y/n: Why is she scared of you? *You asked once again. He let out another lifeless laugh and bent down to baileys height. Her teary eyes made contact with his as he smiled. You hated him from the second he walked through that door. Bailey clearly was scared of him for the shit he did and there was no way you were gonna allow her to walk out with him.*
Richard: Hi princess *he reached forward to move a strand of hair out of her face. Instead, she quickly buried her head back into your leg. Scared of what he might do...he laughed once again and stood up. Crossing his arms over his chest.*
Richard: You want custody on her? Go for it. I never cared much about her anyways *he took a sip of his soda and smirked at you.*
Officer Lee: Y/n's mom would be the legal guardian in this.
Richard: I've heard about you. You're the kid that went missing right? So how'd you find my daughter? Was she roaming around on the streets? *you rolled your eyes and bent down to bailey. She had tears falling off of her cheeks as you pulled her into a hug. You whispered sweet things like "It's gonna be okay" "you're safe now" and "I love you" in her ear to try and calm her down while the cop got out paper work.*
Officer Lee: the full transaction will be completed in the next week. So bailey will be living in your possession from now on Alice...
*Saturday, November 25th. 2:36 pm. About three weeks had past since the interrogation day. Things slowed down and surprisingly went back to...Normal? Your family won full custody over Bailey luckily, and now she was considered your sister. The three of you just exited Starbucks drive through and headed over towards the local mall. You wanted to make this special for them. Just a day to hangout and go shopping together. Ava ran ahead as bailey held your hand and skipped while swinging your arm back and didn't hear any news about the guys unfortunately. Even though you missed them, it was more then refreshing to get a break from all the gang stuff.*
Ethan: Hey strangers
Ava: Ethan! *She ran in his arms as he put her on his shoulders. She giggled as he walked over towards you.*
Y/n: I didn't know you were gonna be here *you laughed.*
Bailey: Can I ride on your back y/n? Please! *She jumped up and down as you squatted so she could get on*
Ethan: Yeah I decided it was time to get out of the house
Y/n: How have you been?
Ethan: hanging in there. Slowly but surely things seem to be getting better. And you?
Y/n: Ive been good. It still hurts but it's seems to be getting easier everyday.
*Ethan nodded and ran ahead with Ava into justice. You laughed and followed along while bailey held onto your neck. Hours and hours of shopping passed until the four of you eventually ended up back home.
Mom: It's nice to see you Ethan *She smiled while sitting on the couch.*
Ethan: Yeah you too.
*You walked over and opened your fridge. Gazing at all the items inside.*
Ethan: Don't eat anything, I'm taking us out to the ice cream shop down town
Y/n: The one by the dock?
*Ethan nodded and grabbed his car keys. The last time you were there was before you joined graysons gang. It used to be yours and the twins favorite hangout spot...the time now struck 4 pm as the two of you both made your way down the road.*
Ethan: It's been a while
*Sorrow lingered in his voice as he parked the car. You let out a low sigh as you exited it and walked in with him...once both of you got your Ice cream cones you made your way back into the chilly fall weather and over towards the dock. The water was calm with barely any movement. You sat down, letting your feet dangle off the edge as you watched the ducks swim around in the lake.*
Ethan: Everything feels numb
*You gazed up at him. His eyes staying focused on the water.*
Ethan: I feel like things are getting better but there's just a part of me that feels empty. And it haunts me everyday y/n
Y/n: I know Ethan...I've been trying to focus on the good and leave the bad behind. It will always hurt me knowing that he's not here. I don't wanna let go but I know that I have too. 
*He nodded and stayed quiet.*
Y/n: Do you think Blake and charles are okay?
Ethan: I hope so...I miss them being around
*It stayed quiet for a few moments...neither of you really knew what to say.*
Y/n: Are we safe from them? Ben and jack and who ever else is left?
Ethan: I think so...I feel like they would have done something by now
Y/n: I know Grayson regrets letting me join but I'm so fucking glad I did.
Ethan: Me too...
Y/n: I miss him *An hour went by and you both eventually ended up home. You laid on your bed, staring at the ceiling as time passed by.
Mom: Y/n? *She opened your door and peaked her head in.*
Y/n: Yeah?
Mom: I just wanted to say good night and I love you *She smiled closed the door. Things may have been back to normal but everything seemed to slow down. Half the time your body felt numb while you spent hours doing nothing but staring at the wall...needless to say, you shook your thoughts away and walked into your bathroom. Running the shower and picking out a pair of shorts and a hoodie while placing them on the counter. It was around 9pm when you fully got dressed and brushed your hair out. You turned on your bed side lamps and crawled into bed, and under the thick comforter. Your laptop laid next to you as you search for a movie to watch on Netflix...and eventually picking one.*
*You sighed and pushed your phone away. Ignoring the notification.*
*you rolled your eyes and reached forwards for your phone. The words "Unknown number" appeared with a locked furrowed your brows together as you put your thumb print in and unlocked your phone. Opening the message.*
"Meet me in the alleyway on 73rd street at 12am tomorrow. Come ALONE."
Y/n: What the fuck

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