Chapter 31

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Zack: Is everyone gonna be there?
Grayson: Yeah, about 200 recruits but only 75 are staying with us in the 5villas and beach side houses
Charles: That's not gonna end well with y/n
Grayson: Charles we don't have a fucking choice at this point. Calvin is going to tear us apart. We need everyone we can get
Y/n: What are you talking about?
Grayson: You'll see, I suggest Maggie and Kenzie stay with you though, because some of the girls with the other leaders are bitches.
Y/n: Wait what? I'm so confused, I thought you were the leader?
Grayson: I'll explain when we get there, we'll be having a group meeting.
Y/n: O-Okay
*Zack could see the anxiety going through them. What the he'll was going on?*
~After the long flight~
Grayson: So, I own this whole part of the island, these four mansions are mine. Including the beach houses down there. I-
Y/n: WAIT WHAT?! *you quickly looked back at him in shock*
Grayson: let me continue, Anyways there are 75 people living here. Don't get lost *he said as you all were walking down paths to the houses. This gang is was way bigger then you thought.* But there's only one of me, meaning there's more then one leader for different parts of the gangs. But if we're being technical I'm like the "boss"...
Y/n: Oh?
Grayson: There's other members ready to come in, meaning if we need help or someone dies
Y/n: Wait so why was Charles and Zack and everyone else so anxious?
Grayson: Because, we have a very dangerous situation right now. *he said as he unlocked the door to the middle villa and you guys walked in*
Y/n: Woah-
Y/n: Wait *you snapped out of your gaze* how "dangerous"?
Grayson: Lets make it simple, thousands of people are after us. I'm not joking *he said as he glanced at you and walked away leaving you in shock*
Maggie: Y/n! *she shouted and walked up to you*
Y/n: Yeah?
Maggie: you'll be sharing a room with me Kenzie, Ashley, and others. But we have to get ready for the meeting
Y/n: W-Wait I'm still confused?
Maggie: I'll answer as much as I can, but come on
Y/n: O-Okay
(You Guys got to the HUGE room)
Y/n: How does Grayson afford this?!
Brooke: ew the new girl is here
Maggie: Shut it Brooke
Y/n: Don't fucking address me as the new girl sweetheart *you flared at her as she rolled her eyes* this isn't high school
Maggie: Anyways, you obviously know me, Kenzie, and Ashley...this is Brooke, Kelly, Jenna, Camila, and Hannah...
Y/n: Nice to meet you guys, I'm y/n
Jenna: Pretty name
Brooke: So, do you have a tattoo, or were you too much of a wimp? *she and Ashley laughed as you clenched your jaw*
Y/n: In fact, I do
Brooke: Where? *she smirked and crossed her arms*
Y/n: Wouldn't you like to know? I would strip but I don't wanna ruin your childhood...I'll let mommy talk to you private parts, okay sweetie? *you snapped back*
Maggie: She has it on her boob
Y/n: Maggie! Now you probably poisoned Brooke's ears! *you smirked to your self as you seen her get mad*
Zack: Girls come on!
Kenzie: Okay
Brooke: she's not coming on stage is she?
Maggie: Of course she is
Brooke: Does grayson even know her?
Y/n: He knows me better then he'll ever know you
Brooke: Oh yeah? How so? *she snapped back*
Maggie: Come on! *Maggie grabbed your hand and you all walked in the meeting room. Which was big of course*
Y/n: I- *you were speechless and a bit overwhelmed. Seeing around 200 people in the crowd and only 14 of you on stage, by the microphones*
*you all walked over to Grayson Ethan chase Charles and Zack. You looked over in the crowd, pleading you wouldn't have to speak*
Grayson: Y/n
Your POV: and there it was, gray HAD to say you name. He signaled for you to come over to him
Grayson: Okay, before we start this, let me introduce y/n
Y/n: Please don't make me speak *you whispered as you walked over to him*
Grayson: She's 19 and joined about a month
Jack: and she looks great *a voice said from the crowd*
Grayson: Alright, let's get on with this meeting 
*you all sat down in the chairs next to Grayson as he spoke*
Grayson: I know everyone is aware of the situation and what has happened
Jack: Yeah, like y/n got pushed off a building
Grayson: can someone get jack out of here?
Jack: What no!
*grayson sighed as they took him out*
~The meeting went on for a bit until it was time for dinner. You guys were down by the beach restaurants. After, everyone went back and fell was the next day*
Y/n: What's the main plan grayson? *you asked crossing your arms*
Grayson: we're waiting for Calvin's next's only a matter of time before he gets here y/n

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